Sweet Home Santa Barbara

Saturday, October 19, 2013

31days // Scripture

Alright guys, I've got a funny story for you. It's just 2 hours short of Sunday, and I know I've gotta crank out a 31days post. The one thing that I want to share with you is a scripture that I've been memorizing this weekend. These past few days have been humbling for me, but for that, I'm thankful. I know that the Lord blesses a humble heart, and I'm thankful for the reminder that I need Him in every aspect of my life. 

Memorizing Philippians 4:6-7 has truly helped me surrender my thoughts to God. To invite Him into my anxious worries, and over analyzing tendencies. And friends, it's made the world of a difference.  

So, I was doing a google image search for that piece of scripture. I'm scrolling through, and nothing has the exact wording that has so powerfully spoken to my heart these past few days. Nothing, until one particular picture catches my eye. And guess what? I made it. 

Got a good chuckle at that one. :)

(You can find my original post here)

Scripture is powerful. Any time you feel yourself struggling to maintain a pure mind of Christ, I would highly encourage you to pick out a favorite piece of scripture, and repeat it to yourself. If you're anything like me, you'll find that the thoughts that aren't from the Lord will slowly slip away, and be replaced with His truth and His peace. 

Nothing better than that, my friends. 


Pamela said...


. said...

😮 that is amazing! i've beenworried just yesterday about my family and my situations we're going through and bam! I find this. Thank you, my friend so much! ❤️

Tabitha said...

Such a good reminder! I definitely need to work on making scripture memorization more of a practice in my daily life. :)

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness! So crazy, I just went through this scripture in devotions this morning and it really spoke to me! I was preparing to write about it. So funny to see this post! I'm a total over thinker, as inlear more each day... /: