Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 Year In Review

It's that time of year again, time to get all collage happy & take a walk down memory lane. 

You ready? Here we go:

<< January: Kicked the year off by writing my 2013 Bucket List and Letter. Got cracking on that bucket list by donating my hair, and taking a spontaneous trip to Lake Tahoe.>>

<< February: I went back to the snow, this time to Mammoth, and ran my first race of the year. I also started digging a little deeper in my blogging, some of my favorite posts being this one, this one, and my very first post on purity.>>

<< March: Spent a lot of time outdoors this month. Ran my first fun run (Run or Dye), and my first 15K (Hot Chocolate Run). Went camping for the first time in forever, and went on a St. Patrick's Day hike. Opened up a lot this month, talked about my eating disorder, finances & dating.>>

<< April: Had some great Santa Barbara weekends, and got my first Stitch Fix! Enjoyed a crazy amazing weekend at Stagecoach, and reunited with some long time friends. Wrote a post on healing, which was a giant theme through out 2013.>>

<< May: Ran my first half marathon (insert major happy dance here), and had my first blate. Also, got to go celebrate my good friend's college graduation. Wrote a series on getting healthy, and shared about a serious personal revelation I had.>>

<< June: Got my second Stitch Fix, and celebrated my birthday. Started a series that I hope to do annually called Favorites & Lessons {Of 23}.>>

<< July: Celebrated the 4th of July in style, and enjoyed a girls night out. Took a trip with our young employee group at work, and had a high school reunion up in San Francisco. Wrote two of my favorite posts this month, one about my decision to stop drinking, and one about the end of a short, but very impacting relationship.>>

<< August: Had some more beautiful Santa Barbara weekends, and crossed off "Take Milissa on a sister getaway" from my bucket list. Got my third fix, and celebrated my gorgeous roommate's birthday! Wrote a post on finding freedom, which was another huge theme of 2013. And, I applied to go on my first mission trip, thus #amyinuganda was born!>>

<< September: Ran two races, a Bubble Run 5K and the She Is Beautiful 10K. Enjoyed a gorgeous Labor Day weekend, and made my way to Indianapolis for Influence Conference!>>

 << October: Enjoyed a short visit from my brother, and ran my second half marathon. Had the best girls fall day ever, and danced the night away on Halloween. Took the 31days challenge, and wrote on purity for the entire month. It was probably my favorite (and most challenging) month of blogging yet.>>

 << November: Enjoyed a weekend at home, and really poured out my heart for #amyinuganda fundraising. Went on a gorgeous Santa Barbara hike, and had a fun Thanksgiving(kah) with the fam.>>

 << December: Such a packed month that some of it wasn't even blogged. Had a blast at my first Friendsgiving, and ate way too many cookies at our Bible Study Christmas Party. Got to photograph & celebrate my roommate and her boyfriend (now fiance!) getting engaged. And had a wonderful and relaxing Christmas. Celebrated 6 months of sobriety, and wrote on of my favorite posts on being single. Also, went back to take a look at how I did with my 2013 Bucket List.>>


I still can't believe this year is over! It feels like just yesterday, I was putting together my 2012 Year In Review post. Thankfully, I can confidently say that 2013 was just as good as (if not better than) 2012, which was pretty hard to beat. Looking forward to another amazing year in 2014. 

Happy New Year's Eve, friends! I hope yours is amazing, and that you start the new year surrounded by lots of love. I'll be celebrating the birth of my not-so-baby sister today! She's our little NYE baby, and I can remember ringing in 2005 in that hospital room like it was yesterday. 

Love you all!


  1. My goodness girl! I am blown away at how organized you are and so dedicated! I wish i am like that. This year flew by so super fast! I'm happy I was part of following you along your journey and witness all that God has done for you. Thank you Amy for allowing me to follow you along and for your help and inspiration. ❤️

    Happy birthday to your little sister! :)

  2. What a year! I am so glad I found your blog this year. You are a blessing to the blog world and wise beyond your years. Happy New Year, Amy! I can't wait to see what the Lord does in your life in 2014.

  3. such a wonderful year amy! i can only imagine the goodness God will bring into your life this next year! happy new year friend!

  4. So glad I found your blog this year!! It's been a blessing getting to know you & following along all of your fun adventures!! Hope 2014 is even better for you! MUAH! Happy New Years!

  5. also, huge kudos for actually fulfilling most of your bucketlist/resolutions. you're the only person i know who did that!

  6. Happy new Year! What a great year for you! Lovely way to get to know you more :D

  7. Happy New Year!! 2013 was a great year for you but I know 2014 has some pretty good things in store.

  8. What an amazing year this has been for you, Amy! Your life is just overflowing with God's goodness!

  9. Wow! Your year looks like it was fantastic! What a blessing! I am SURE 2014 will be even better for you!


  10. Happy New Year, Amy! What a great year :)
