Running in spandex shorts that need to be pulled down every .5 seconds
The feeling you get about 5 minutes after eating at any buffet
But particularly at Mexican food buffets
{My favorite}
That awkward moment after you wave at someone by mistake
And try and pull it off
106 degree weather
Like what I experienced last weekend
You know what doesn't make me uncomfortable?
Happy Friday, friends! Make your's a great one!

That is a huge difference in temperature. WOW!!
Okay I didn't even know they HAD Mexican food buffets!! Apparently I'm in the wrong place! And I hate having to tug at my shorts while running!
Mmm Mexican food buffet. Yum.
i'm so far behind on blog reading i JUST realized you got a new layout...oh my gosh i love it! seriously, so cute! :)
I can't believe we live so close to one another! I'm right outside of San Luis Obispo, so I'm like an hour and a half away max! It was really that hot in S.B last week!? Crazy! I'm so looking forward to warmer weather and summer!
This post made me laugh. Ugh... I love me some sun but I HATE when it is super hot. Is it hot up in SB today? In Long Beach we have a high of 95.. which is way too hot!!
Happy Friday Amy!
Triple digits already? Eek. I'm not looking forward to that weather. Now that makes me uncomfortable!
Haha I agree about the shorts, but for me, it's worse when my pants start sliding down when I'm running. I feel like I'm about to lose my drawers!
Wow 106... Yikes. And as for spandex. I hate watching ppl pull it down every 5 seconds lol.
LOVE me some Mexican food!!
Um so wait... mexican food... BUFFETT????? WHATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT? I need one in my life - pronto.
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