Sweet Home Santa Barbara

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Optimism at its Finest

Yesterday, my roommate got hit by a car. 

Yupp, you read that right. Hit. By. A. Car. 

I've mentioned that Ashlee is an incredible athlete, but I don't believe I've mentioned that she is currently training to go compete in an Olympic qualifying triathlon in August. 

I'm still wrapping my head around that awesome-ness. 

When she left for her training bike ride yesterday, she forgot her helmet. After debating if she should return for it, she decided it was a good idea to turn around and not risk it. 

God is so good, guys. Thank goodness she went back to get it. 

Shortly after, she was hit by a car, and brought by ambulance to the ER. 

Which is where I found her, looking like this:

That's optimist at its finest, people. 

Praise the Lord that the accident only left Ashlee with some stitches. But please pray for a quick recovery. 

Not only is she training for the National Age Group Championships in August, but Ashlee's primary job is personal and group fitness training. 

I am so inspired by Ashlee's spirit. In spite of knowing the next few weeks will be challenging, she's going into them with an incredibly positive attitude. 

If you've got some time today, stop by her blog and leave her some love, will ya? The video in her latest post is hilarious, enjoy. 

Happy Thursday, dears! I love you all!


Something Infinitely Interesting said...

Thank god she is ok!

Melissa said...

Wow! That is scary! So glad she's okay! :)

. said...

Ohmigosh! Thanks to God for saving her.

Kiki said...

Oh my goodness! Good thing she went back to get her helmet! God is good and I'm definitely praying for her recovery.

And what an inspiration she is! Definitely optimism at its best. :)

Laynah said...

Oh my gosh she is dang cute. I'm sooo glad she went back to get her helmet, wow. Tell her to keep up the good work after she gets better! It's awesome that her goals are so high.

Anonymous said...

Wow, look at that smile on her face!
An accident that could possibly ruin her life and there she is being positive and looking great.
She will go far in life with that attitude and contagious smile.

Thank you for sharing.


Rainey said...

Oh my goodness! Thank God she is okay and can still smile like that! Totally worth returning for her helmet.

Lauren said...

I totally whined about my headache today at work. Totally not whine'able at all after seeing this post! Thanks for the reminder to look on the bright side!

Rach said...

Oh my goodness! I'm so glad she is okay! That's so scary. I can't even imagine!

Hannah said...

She's pretty much adorable. :)

Jessah @ Dreaming of Dimples said...

Poor thing! How scary. My hubby is a cyclist and him getting hit by a car is my worst nightmare.