Monday, December 29, 2014

2014 Year In Review

2014 was hands down the best year of my life. Pretttyyy safe to say that I'm stoked to relive it. Although, remind me again how it's already this time of year? 

<< January: January 1st, I left San Diego bright and early to pack up and move to a brand spankin' new apartment. I've never been more thankful for good friends than when some were willing to wake up early on New Years Day to help me move. I spent half the month in Kisoro, Uganda, on both my first mission trip and first time out of the country. Most definitely returned changed, and just in time for our housewarming party. >>

<< February: Watched the winter Olympics opening ceremony in style, and started the Beth Moore Breaking Free Bible study (aaaamazing). Spent lots of time with my wonderful girlfriends, hosting multiple Valentine's Day celebrations. Saw Frozen for the first time (game changer), and wrote one of my favorite posts about love languages, and how they relate to God. >>

<< March: Ran the Girl on Fire 10K (gorgeous local race), and spent a weekend camping with the family. Enjoyed gorgeous Santa Barbara, and had a spectacular weekend in Palm Springs at my childhood bestie's bachelorette party! Also, wrote a post about the moment mercy found me, my favorite story to tell. >>

<< April: Heard some powerful truth at the Catalyst church conference, and had a blast running through a vineyard at the Vines Into Water 5K. Celebrated Passover with a local church body, and enjoyed some classy Easter festivities with friends. Wrote a post about the ripple effect, which I still praise the Lord for each time I see my sister proudly rocking glasses. >>

<< May: Was blessed to meet Francis Chan at a free local church event (say whaaa?), and was in my first wedding, which I loved! Not only did I get to celebrate my best friend marrying her dream man, but I happened to walk out with a dream man of my own. ;) Though this month was quite magical, I can't ignore a local tragedy Santa Barbara faced when a shooting took 6 lives in our college town of Isla Vista. Those lives are dearly missed, and will be forever remembered. >>

<< June: After 3 weeks of texting, snap-chatting, and late night phone calls, I made my way up to Northern California for an official date with my sweet PJ. It was a dreamy first date, and I left with confirmation that this wedding crasher was now indeed my boyfriend. Celebrated my birthday surrounded with loved ones, and praised God for an entire year of sobriety! Some favorite posts from this month were on conflict, and the story of how PJ and I met. >>

<< July: Spent 4th of July at home in San Diego, and surprised my roommate with a Brad Paisley bachelorette party. Was rocked at Jesus Culture conference, and had one of the most incredible experiences of my life getting to share my testimony on Sunday, July 20th. I didn't blog much this month, but I did share a sweet story of God's faithfulness. >>

<< August: Was privileged to stand beside my roommate in her wedding, and got into seminary school! Visited the wonderful Kerrie in Tex/Mex, and celebrated Labor Day up in Northern California with the Peej. Also, wrote a post on purity, a topic that's suuuper close to my heart. >>

<< September: Had a blast at Women of Faith, and at the wedding of PJ's best friend. Ran the She Is Beautiful 10K for the second time, and officially started seminary school! >>

<< October: Had our second annual Reed Sister Vaycay with a San Diego staycation, and surprised PJ with tickets to see Luke Bryan and Lee Brice. Went all out with fall festivities at our house, The Hideaway, and brought my roomie up north for halloween weekend! >>

<< November: Kicked off the month with a visit to the Monterey Bay Aquarium, and had a magical time at Disneyland later in the month. Continued trekking through Leviticus for my seminary class, and for the first time, enjoyed two Thanksgiving dinners! One with my family, and one with PJ's. Perfect holiday weekend. :) >>

<< December: Finished my seminary class!! And ran my second half marathon of the year, perfectly timed to celebrate the engagement of my best friend. Started getting back in the blogging groove with a post on people pleasing, and on why I write. Enjoyed multiple holiday parties, and celebrated Christmas at home with my family. >>

Such a magical, wonderful, dreamy year. So many big life events packed into 12 months: going to Africa, starting seminary school, falling in love. I close out this year feeling soooo utterly thankful, and thoroughly excited to see what 2015 has in store. 

Happy New Year, friends! Love you all. 

** Previous years in review: 2013, 2012 **


  1. Ahhh, what an amazing year! I am soooo thankful to have you as my roommate! (I was also stoked to have made it into more pictures this year, haha) Can't wait to see what other adventures God has in store for you in 2015. xoxo

  2. I have loved seeing your life evolve this year! I cannot wait to see what God has planned for you next year! XOXOXO

  3. What a brilliantly blessed year you've had! I'm praying the Lord continues to bless you in 2015 (and PJ :) )


  4. Hey, it's Natasha. I know I don't comment a lot here, but I'm so glad to see you smiling in all of those pictures. It makes my heart happy that 2014 has been good to you and your devotion to Our Father still rocks my socks off. I pray that 2015 will give you more opportunities and joy. Love you, friend and sister in faith.

  5. Been away from blogger for a while but I'm back and catching up on my blog friends' posts! (thought I do hope you still remember me, Amy ^^) indeed, you had an awesome year! God bless you!
