Monday, November 11, 2013

About This Girl

I've done this before, but I've been seeing some new faces around here, so I figure it's time for a standard introduction post. If you're a newbie, please comment and say hello! Leave a link to your blog, because I'd love to stop by and get to know you. 

The name's Amy, and the blog is Sweet Home Santa Barbara. Sweet Home SB is pretty much a reflection of my life, and seeing as the last 2 years have been jam packed with a whooole lot of growth and change, you bet this bloggy here has gone through its fair share of changes as well. 

I really, really love Jesus. And lately, that's been taking the fore front on this here blog. After a long day sprinkled to the brim with both work and fun, I love nothing more than coming here to pour out my heart for anyone who enjoys reading. 

This ain't no place for rainbows and butterflies (I apparently like to pretend I'm Southern sometimes). You can count on the fact that I keep it real. I really do love sharing my struggles with you, because I have no doubts that someone, somewhere, will find encouragement through them. The same way that I find encouragement every day through all of you amazing bloggers out there. We're all in this together, eh? (Gotta throw some Canadian in there, too).

If you're into the serious stuff, you can check out my story with purityalcohol, or an eating disorder. Don't worry though, I don't always keep things super heavy. I love to blog about my amateur passion for running, and the beauty of the Santa Barbara life. To see where I put in my 40 hours a week, you can read all about my corporate world here

My social media form of choice is definitely Instagram. You can find me at @sweethomesb, where you'll also find too many pictures {nosuchthing} of coffee, fashion, Santa Barbara scenery and fun adventures with amazing people I'm blessed to call friends. 

I was born and raised to be a Boston fan, so you better believe I proudly rep that gear whenever the opportunity arises. 

And I think that's enough about me. So tell me about you? 

**PS: A very special thank you to all of the Veterans out there. "Thank you" does not even begin to cover how blessed we are by your service.**


  1. I wouldn't consider myself a newbie here but that's not stopping me from commenting!! ;)

    Love this girl and I so wish I had an instagram so I could look at all of your amazing coffee pics. I would get one if I had the phone.. You need a certain phone for that right?

    I'm seriously behind with upgrading lol

  2. I'm from California originally and Santa Barbara is one of my all time favorite places, I wish I was there right now! Nice to meet you :)

  3. Hey Amy!

    Lovely introduction. Its great to "meet" you!!

    Haha, I love all the southern love, AND Canadian, as I am one, so that definitely made me smile.

    Will be coming back more in the future :)

    Hugs! (because what's a day without em'?!)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. well nice to meet you again, lovely. :)

  6. Nice to meet you! I started following with your Purity series and absolutely loved it. Thanks for your bravery and honesty!
    -another Amy :)

  7. LOVE YOU! We need need NEED to meet up soon, gorgeous!

  8. I'm a newbie--just started following you the other day via Bloglovin. :) Thanks for the intro girl!
