Tuesday, November 12, 2013

I Need Your Help

A few weeks ago, I woke up just like any ordinary morning. I read my Jesus Calling, put in my contacts (I'm blind as a bat), and got ready for work. Typical morning routine right there. 

As I was getting ready, my mind wandered to the daunting amount of money that needs to be raised for my Uganda trip. The amount of money that if I'm being perfectly honest, I had kind of resolved to figuring out on my own. God had raised just over 1/3 of my $3,700, and I was feeling blessed with that amount. "Thank you" does not even begin to cover the gratitude I feel to the amazing generosity that makes up that 1/3. 

All of a sudden, a quiet voice confronted me. I was using that content feeling to mask what was really below the surface, doubt. 

I want to have big faith. I believe with all of my heart that my God can do crazy, beautiful, magical things. I believe that He is all powerful, and all sufficient. And I want nothing more than to see those crazy, beautiful, magical, big things in my lifetime. 

On that typical morning, it suddenly hit me. If I want to see big things in my lifetime, I have to be willing to ask for them. And so, I did. I got on my knees, and surrendered this fundraising effort to God. I said goodbye to the doubt, and chose to believe that my God can most definitely raise this $3,700. Every last penny.

Which is why I'm writing this post today. I fully recognize that in order to entrust this to God, I have to get out of my own way. I have to step outside of my comfort zone, and do something that doesn't exactly come naturally to me. 

For those that don't know, I'm going on a short term mission trip to Kisoro, Uganda in January. I'm so beyond blessed and amazed that the Lord led this opportunity my way, and have no doubts that He has chosen to send me on this specific trip. 

Church planting has been on my heart since I felt called to go pray over Boston in 2012. I had only been going to my now home church for a matter of weeks when I made the initial deposit, but I just knew. I followed the call on a trip where I knew no one, and my life changed in so many ways. 

In Uganda, if you can't walk to church, you can't get to church. Our goal on this trip is to plant churches so that everyone in Kisoro has access to a church where they can meet and worship Jesus. The ultimate goal is that one day, everyone in Uganda will be within walking distance of a church, within walking distance of a place where they can come and hear about the amazing love of Jesus Christ, and experience it for themselves.

I want nothing more than to go and serve as many people as possible, but I have no doubts that I will walk away learning equally as much as those I'm serving. I hope to witness the power of the gospel in a life changing way, and to be reminded of just how big and diverse this beautiful creation called Earth is. 

So how can you help?

I can't do this without you. I wouldn't even be here fundraising if it wasn't for the encouragement, love, support and prayer of so many people. 

You can donate. If you have it on your heart to help financially, you can do so here

You can share this post. Or my fundraising page. Share it on your blog, on your Facebook page, on Instagram, Twitter, anything will be incredibly helpful!

You can donate an item for a giveaway. I will most likely be putting together a giveaway next week, and anyone who has already donated will be automatically entered. If you'd like to donate something for a giveaway, please let me know!

You can purchase a necklace from my sweet friend's etsy shop. She is so generously using her profits to support my trip.

You can pray. Prayer is so powerful. If you can't contribute financially, please don't underestimate the help of your prayers. Like I already said, I wouldn't be where I'm at without the prayers of others. Both with this Uganda trip, and in my walk with the Lord in general. Prayer is His gift to us, because He responds!

And I'm just gonna go ahead and say thank you right now. Because regardless of the response to this post, I have some of the most incredible people in my life. I am beyond blessed. 

{For the story behind the scarf, watch this video}


  1. Hi Amy, you should post a picture of yourself on your donation page. For some it might be a bit too scary to donate to a faceless page :)

  2. Hey girl!! I'm so excited for you and your trip!! I just know God will provide every last penny. I just prayed for you! :)

  3. Posted on FB and twitter to help you spread the word. :)

  4. yes ma'am. God can move in big ways just in the nick of time. i will support you in everyway i can. love you!

  5. SO excited for your journey and I know you will get there! I'd definitely love to help you out with a giveaway, dear! Maybe a Christmas/holiday card, home decor print or something like that from my Etsy shop! Sending you prayers for your adventure!

  6. This and you are so beautiful. Going to check out those necklaces love!

  7. This post is wonderful! You are!! You look great too!! Africa is going to be SO lucky to have you!!

  8. Prayers have been sent! I can't wait to see what God does on this trip :)

  9. YES, YES, YES.

    I am so glad you have the courage and obedience to follow where God tells you. It can be extremely scary to be somewhere unknown or that you're uncertain of. But His will and purpose is all that should be needed in our eyes. Proud of you, friend.

  10. You are so cute, and just awesome! Prayers for you for sure!
