Thursday, November 14, 2013

Thankful Thursday // Week 2

Haaappy Thursday! First thing I'm thankful for is the fact that today is my Friday! Thank goodness for flexdays. (If you're wondering what a flexday is, check out this post). 

But besides that wonderfulness, here's my Thankful Thursday list:

One // Holiday flavors at coffee shops. 

Really makes it feel like the Holiday season. And when it's still in the 70s, you can use all the Holiday feel you can get.

Two // Lipstick. 

I'm so glad I got over that "I can't pull off lipstick" self consciousness. Trying out new colors is really fun! I'm especially thankful when the lipstick is free. {Thank you, Influenster!}

If you're a lipstick fan like me, you can check out the above color right here.

Three // Fellowship. 

This week, I got a lot of sweet fellowship in. Whether it's a lunch date, a dinner date, or getting together with a community group, I just love fellowship. 

For so long, I tried to do the whole Christian thing without Christian friends. There's something so special about getting together to talk about how good our God is, and to share all of the crazy things He's doing in our lives. I need it, I crave it, and it keeps my heart right with the Lord. 

So to all my fellowship pals, thank you. I love you a whole darn lot. 

Four // This verse. 

It's been speaking some powerful truth into my life, lately. There's been some changes going on in my neck of the woods, but change that brings a whole lot of peace, and excitement. 

I'm starting to learn about what it really looks like to walk in the freedom of the Lord. And I like it, I really do. 

Five // You guys. 

Yupp, you. You who took my pictures for this post {ahem, Madeleine}. You who blasted the post out on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. You who prayed. You who offered to give away an item. You who gave your hard earned money to help support this dream. 

I can't even list the way that you guys have blessed me in the past 48 hours. Almost $500 have been raised in those 2 days alone, and I officially have less than $2,000 to raise! 

That may still sound like a lot, but I know God is so ready to do this. It's my prayer that this doesn't just bolster my faith, but your's too. Some of the moments I have heard the most clearly from the Lord were when He was calling me to give financially. Those moments are so special to me, they remind me that God absolutely does talk to His children. 

I pray that everyone who hears about this Uganda fundraiser will see God through it. And you know how they're gonna see it? Through you guys. 

Thank you for showing God through you. You guys bless me more than I can say. 

What are you thankful for? Erin & I would love to hear!

Sweet Home Santa Barbara


  1. Are you doing this linky every week? if so, I will definitely join you! I love ALL OF THESE! Thankful for you too! for Always inspiring me to be better!

  2. LOVE holiday flavors and so happy you are getting close to your goal!!!

  3. so much to be thankful for! His blessings are all over the place!

  4. Yes! Sweet sweet fellowship! It is such a blessing!

  5. lipstick and starbucks? YES :) love you and this list.

  6. Great list!! Oh yummy holiday drinks! So nice and cozy feeling.

  7. Everything looks so yummy!

    & I was just going to put that scripture on my blog today!!

    Love it ;)


  8. I love all the thankful posts lately! I had some awesome fellowship when I went home, so my heart is still full!
