Monday, November 18, 2013

Hey You, You're Really Loved

This weekend was so good. One of those that was good for the soul, just the right amount of weekend perfection to launch into a 5 day work week. 

A girls night out to a chick flick, a Saturday morning Pilates class turned coffee date, a birthday celebration that resulted in a 45 minute drive to our closest Target, and a girls spa afternoon. 

It was wonderful, the kind of weekend that leaves me feeling so blessed to have so many wonderful friends in my life. 

But if you asked me what my favorite parts of my weekend were, you know what I'd say? The moment when I was sitting alone in a coffee shop, tearing up over a book that I swear God wrote just for me. Or the moment when I felt like my heart was going to explode over the amount of God's love and presence that I was feeling. Or perhaps the time I spent on my carpet, staring at the ceiling and having a full blown conversation with my Father. 

This weekend, there were plenty of moments enjoyed with incredible friends. But there were also plenty of moments enjoyed with just me and God. And I really don't have words to express how special that is. 

His love is what changes us. It completes us, satisfies us like nothing else can on this earth. And moments like the ones I had this weekend are when it really hits me that the God of the universe loves me. That He is crazy in love with little ol' Amy Reed. 

I think back to the days when I was chasing after all the wrong boys looking for someone to make me feel loved, and I wish I could go back and give that girl a hug. I wish I could wipe those tears off that freshly broken-hearted face, and tell her not to worry. I'd tell her that one day, she'll find the love that she's looking for. And those people who say chick flicks aren't real? The ones that say romance is just fiction? They're wrong. I'd tell that sweet little Amy Reed to keep believing and dreaming, because her story very much has a happy ending. 

Romance is real, because our God created it. He is the definition of a romantic, and He loves us so much. I hope you feel that today, and every day. I hope you know that the God of the universe is crazy about you

Happy Monday, my friends! You are so, so loved. 


  1. Thank you for sharing that beautiful message, and i'm so happy you had such a great time over the weekend. ❤️

  2. His love is what changes us. It completes us, satisfies us like nothing else can on this earth. And moments like the ones I had this weekend are when it really hits me that the God of the universe loves me. That He is crazy in love with little ol' Amy Reed.

    Love that this is the truth!!

  3. Thank you for sharing, Amy.
    That last part really got me....Its a reminder I needed to hear. Thanks, Amy.

    Love ya.

  4. Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend :)

  5. This. is. beautiful.

    Amy, you seriously have no idea how much I needed to read this post! I've had my moments of singleness woes these past few weeks and it's been hard to remember to cling to Him for hope and true love. Thank you for this sweet reminder! :)

  6. Sounds like an amazing weekend. I love when good weekends come around.. they are the best!

    xo & now following

  7. I absolutely love your upbeat and positive attitude! I'm immediately put in a good mood as soon as I read this!!! Glad you had a good weekend! And you are so right, God does love that! Refreshing to hear especially when you sometimes forget that love or when things are going rough! Thanks for reminding us all!

  8. I love this! Gods love is amazing! I love those moments when you can really feel His presence. Amazes me every time.

  9. Your sweet heart never ceases to amaze me, friend. God is truly SO SO good in the ways He works within us. Such a treasure :)

  10. i love this post!
    Thank you for the reminder,I needed it. such truth in your words :)

  11. You and your friends are awesome. Your heart for Jesus and others is the greatest. Thank you for sharing sweet, needed reminders.
