Tuesday, April 30, 2013

2013 Bucket List - Progress Check

Man, this year is flying by. I can't believe it's almost May which means it's almost June which means I'm almost 24. 


Let's see how the Bucket List is coming along, shall we?

1. Run at least 3 races (any distance 5K and over)


-10K Coronado Valentine's Day Race: Feb 17th / DONE! 54 min, 8:30 mile pace

-5K Los Angeles Run or Dye: March 9th / DONE!

-15K San Diego Hot Chocolate Race: March 24th / DONE! 1hr 26min, 9:14 pace

-Santa Barbara Wine Country Half Marathon: May 11th / registered!

I can't believe I'll be running my first half marathon in less than 2 weeks! Finally joined the double digit club with 10 miles last week. It was probably one of my best runs to date, no knee pain, definitely the longest I've ever ran, and managed to cut 30 seconds off my 15K mile time!

Boo ya. 

2. Read 30 books

So far, I've completed 3 books.


That means I didn't finish a single book in April. Whoops? 

To be fair, I'm actually reading multiple books right now, so hopefully will finish all of them in May. But still, reading is one of my favorite hobbies, I need to find the time for it!

Keep up with my reading progress here.

3. Get a passport

This one is on the back burner for now. Turns out I have to actually save up the money so that I can apply for my passport. I guess with no trips planned, it loses it's urgency. 

Kind of funny that I picked up the application in January, and have yet to submit it. If that doesn't scream procrastination, I don't know what does.

4. Travel outside of the country (preferably missions related)

No updates here. Honestly, this one is in God's hands. I've officially decided that if I'm meant to go out of the country this year, He will make it clear to me. 

And if not, 2014's where it's at.

5. Cross off at least 2 states

This is for my 50 State Challenge.

No flights booked, but I'll be crossing off Indiana when I go to The Influence Conference in September. 

And I officially have a second trip in the making, as well! You might remember that my roommate is currently recovering from surgery. Well I could not be more excited to get her back home. And as soon as she gives me the green light, I'm booking a flight up to Oregon to check out her state and road trip it with her back to Cali. 

Looks like Indiana and Oregon will be getting crossed off this year!

6. Meet a blogger friend IRL

If all goes as planned, this will be crossed off in May :)

7. One spontaneous trip

Tahoe: Back in January

8. One random act of kindness per month

January: gas station

February: check! 

March: check!

April: _______

I think I was spoiled in January and February with very clear signs from the Lord as to what my random acts should be. 

So given that today is the last day of April, I ask you: 
what are your favorite random acts of kindness to give or receive? 

9. End the year with 0 balance on credit card

Revision: Maintain 0 balance on credit card

Definitely been keeping my credit card paid off every month! I've got a small balance on it right now that will be paid off with this week's paycheck. Woo hoo!

10. Double my savings

Revision: Rebuild my savings

If you're confused about the change in these last two bucket list items, check out this post. 

Last month, I had my savings account at 44% of what it used to be. Goal: get that number to 100% by the end of the year.

At the end of April, I have 59% of my account back! Up 15% from last month, not too shabby. 

11. Cut and donate my hair

Crossed off in January.

11. Take Milissa on a sister weekend getaway

This will be taking place this summer :)

12. Get a blog makeover!

My new look was revealed yesterday, and I could not be more thrilled with the final product!

Amy, from the Charming blog, designed this beauty, and I have nothing but amazing things to say about her! If you're ever considering doing a blog makeover, I'd highly recommend this girl!

What do you think??

So there you have it!

My progress, or lack there of in some areas! Keeping it real, folks!

{Bucket List progress tracked here}


  1. you hair looks great short! And go you ont he 5ks i havent even ran one yet this year! :/

  2. Way to be on your goals! I love how some of them have shifted and changed and some of them you have over-excelled at. That's part of the fun of all of this, I think! :) As for favorite random act of kindness... I love getting mail so your package was pretty amazing! Last week we bought a Starbucks giftcard for a family in our church who are going through out-of-State cancer treatments. They are having to eat all three meals a day out somewhere because they don't have access to a kitchen. Anyway, a couple of us got together and bought giftcards to all the restaurants close by to help offset some of the cost. :)

  3. I really like reading these posts! It reminds me of how fast life is going and that you should have some goals to make something of your life.
    And I spotted the new design when I visited your blog earlier this day and I thought: this is new right? So beautiful! :)

  4. Isn't it crazy that we're already about to begin May? Wow! You've done great so far with your goals! I'm sure your random act of kindness will come to you at some point today. :)

  5. You're doing SO well! Congratulations on making so many of your goals so far! I can't wait to see how the rest come!

    And, I LOVE your new design! Of course :)

  6. Way to go, lady! You are making such great progress on these things and sound like you're having many adventures as well! =]

    p.s. did I mention that I love the new look? So fresh!

  7. Awesome job girl! Love how you've checked off many already. Woohoo!

  8. You're awesome!!! Sticking to goals is one of the best feeling! I NEED to get back on the reading train too, I've done awful this year so far.

  9. Wow, you're making a lot of progress on getting your goals crossed off. Great job!!! And I wanna see more pictures of your long hair :)

    Hey, maybe we'll meet in September!

  10. I love your new blog look!!! You're also making great progress with your 13 Bucket List!!! Keep it up friend!

  11. Love these monthly check up on the yearly progress list!!! Your doing great, keep it going!
