Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Stagecoach Photo Explosion

What do you get when you combine 3 days of desert heat, amazing country artists, and a reunion with incredible friends?

Paradise, my friends. 

And a whooole lot of pictures. 

The music? Amazing! 

I posted the entire line up back when it came out in October. This is something we've been looking forward to for a looong time. Basically since the end of last year's Stagecoach

Lady Antebellum, Darius Rucker & Zac Brown Band were by far my favorite acts. They were all sooo good, and I would see them again in a heart beat. 

Florida Georgia Line was definitely up there too. Mainly because they were the only artists to come all the way back to where we were in general admission. 

In case you thought I was exaggerating when I tweeted:

I give you:

Amazing, right??

See that arm in the far right with the purple bracelet? Totally mine. 

I'll say it one more time: life = made. 

And what would a country concert be without some line dancing?

This weekend was absolutely amazing. But even more so than the incredible artists, it was these people who made it that way:

It was so great having two of my closest friends finally meet. 

Do you have any friends where you know without a doubt that you wouldn't be the same without them? I do. And she's it:

So thankful for this friendship, and the incredible impact it's had on my life. 

Thanks for being the wonderful best friend that I love soooo much, Kace! I can't wait until our next epic reunion :)


  1. Aw, you looked so pretty Amy! I swear if I was there in all that heat I would not have looked half as good. I become a total mess. Hope Cali isn't too hot when I come ;) So happy to see you had the time of your life!

  2. OH that looks like so much fun Amy! I love me some country music :)

  3. Wow! you are so gorgeous Amy! I'm glad you had fun!! :D I'd love to go there. :)

  4. looks like a blast! so good you had fun and an amazing experience, oh and that your life is now complete! so fun!

  5. looks and sounds like you had an amazing time. Enjoy as much of this age as possible, it gets harder to do things like this after you are married and have kids :)

  6. I think we just became blog best friends. haha I LOVE country music and line dancing. Some of my favorite things :) That looks like an amazing time and I wish I could go next year. That. is. amazing.

  7. Aaaahhh. We were SO close to buying tickets to Stagecoach this year. I'm kind of bummed we didn't :(
    Looks like you had the BEST time!

  8. Love you SO MUCH aims!!! You are 100% that friend for me - I don't know what I would ever do without you! Best friend, best weekend :) although, any weekend would be just as fantastic just for having you as a part of it!

  9. Wow! It looks like you had such a great time!!! I LOVE FGL! Their songs are so catchy!

  10. This looks SO incredibly fun! I am super jealous right now ;)

  11. SOOO Fun! I did a country music festival with some girlfriends a few years ago and it was the BEST experience that we still all talk about!!
