Wednesday, May 1, 2013

My Life in 250 Words

I was born in San Diego, CA on June 29th, 1989. First child in my family, and boy did I give my parents a run for their money with my colic. So much so that they waited another 5 years before having my brother, and 15 years before having my sister. I’ll let you guess which of those wasn’t planned ;).

Growing up, I played everything from soccer, to basketball, to softball. I swam on swim team, gave gymnastics a shot, and broke some boards in karate. I loved theater, and was in a handful of plays. I got to try everything, and I’m so thankful for that.

In high school, I traded in my softball glove for a cheer uniform. I met some of my best friends to this day on that squad. I had my first serious relationship, and got my first job at 16. The studying paid off when I got accepted to UCSB, where I spent the next 4 years.

Studying math and economics took only a portion of my time, while the rest was spent having fun, making memories, and learning life lessons. When I graduated in 2011, I was ready for the real world. I had definitely made the most of my college experience.

Since college, life has only gotten better. I found Jesus,  and my faith. A girl who thought she’d be married at age 23 found independence instead. I always wanted a true love story, and I found mine with my faith. 


  1. great story! i'll have to try this someday!

  2. Beautiful, girl! You're an inspiration!! <3

  3. You were born exactly one day after me! Birthday sistas!!

  4. what a cute pic and a great story :)

  5. Such a beautiful post! And I love your love story :)

  6. This was fun to read. I feel like I know more about you now!

  7. I love getting to know a little more about you. Love your story!

  8. 15 years? Wow! I don't know what I'd do if I had an "oops" baby like that, ha ha!
    My dad was an "oops" baby, he came 11 years after my grandparents were done having kids. My grandma was 48, FORTY EIGHT! Yikes! But at 97 years old she is still here and got to meet my dad's first grand baby (mine baby!). She is one amazing woman!

  9. Loved reading this! It's always so fun to get to know bloggers and learning a little bit about their past/childhood. :)

  10. I love it Amy!!! So happy your doing this too:)

  11. An absolute lovely entry! <3 i always love learning more about people!

  12. My favorite part of this? " I always wanted a true love story, and I found mine with my faith."

  13. Finding Jesus... the best part of the story. Truly do we learn to love or live TRULY before him? Love you girl!
