Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Looking for Advice

One of the perks to having a blog is that there is never a shortage of advice, when needed.

Well, folks, I'm putting that to use today. My amazing friend and now roommate (yay!), Ashlee needs some of your input. 

I think just about every time I've mentioned Ashlee on the blog, I've talked about the fact that she's an amazing athlete (ie: this post). The girl has serious passion for keeping active and healthy, and helping others to do the same. 

Kiiind of stoked that I'm living with her now, not gonna lie!

Recently, Ashlee has had a lot of big career decisions to make, which has got her thinking about exactly what she wants to do with her life.

Seeing as her biggest passion is helping others to live a healthy lifestyle, she wants to exactly that. 

I would like to design and implement a 3-month wellness plan. This plan would include nutrition, strength and cardio plans. I would upload videos online for my Strength Pilates classes, create a strength routine based on the individual's fitness level and gender and I would design a nutrition plan in order to cleanse the body and create a strong, well-oiled machine. Basically, I would like to allow you to live your life and focus on your family and work and I will take the guess work out of training and diet for you. Since nutrition makes up 70% of your overall wellness, I really want to key in on how to improve your eating choices. 

You can read more about her vision in her blog post. And here is where you come in:

Ever wanted help with your diet/exercise routine, but felt like you couldn't afford it?

Well now's your time to chime in on what you think something like this should cost for a client. What do you think Ashlee should charge? What would you want to get out of a program like this? 

Is this something you would get involved in? We want to know!

I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful Tuesday!


  1. If I had her in the same city as me I def would do this! I would say something like 10-20 a month? My senior year of nursing school, my group project was for us to implement a cheap wellness plan for the city. I even partook in the plan (I came up with the dietary aspect) and it didn't work for me. In reality sometimes it just needs to be tailored which is what makes Ashlee's program idea great!

  2. I think a newbie $15/month would be normal. She can start building some clientel and always grow and raise prices from there :)

  3. I have a friend that does something similar, but she cooks weekly meals as well.
    Since Ashlee would be coming up with a 3-month plan I think $45 would be a good flat fee. Then if the client wanted to do monthly plans beyond that I would keep in between 10-15. And like Erin mentioned, she could always grow and raise prices from there.
