Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Sweet Simplicity - Greek Pizza Recipe

I'm so excited to be co-hosting Sweet Simplicity today with the wonderful Nicole.

This link up seems to be right up my alley. Right when I heard about the theme, I knew I wanted to get back to a passion that I've been neglecting lately, cooking!

I love cooking, but I am certainly no expert chef. My type of recipes are quick and easy.

Since I started finding my way around the kitchen, I've been blogging my favorite recipes along the way. Like these bad boys:

You can find these and other recipes here.

Today, I'm going to share a new favorite, Greek Pizza!


-Whole wheat pizza dough
-A few sprinkles of flour
-1 onion
-1 tblsp. olive oil
-1 jar tomato sauce
-1 jar artichoke hearts
-Sun-dried tomatoes
-Garlic & herb goat cheese


1. Preheat oven 450 degrees.

2. On a cookie sheet, or pizza stone, roll out dough over sprinkled flour.

3. Slice onion until you have desired amount (I used about 1/2), and saute over medium-high heat until golden brown.

4. Pour and spread tomato sauce over pizza dough. Top with evenly distributed onions.

5. Chop desired amount of basil. Sprinkle on pizza, along with artichoke hearts and sun-dried tomatoes.

6. Top with a layer of large crumbles of goat cheese. Heat for 8-10 minutes. 

And voila! You have yourself a delicious pizza! And a pretty healthy one, too. If I do say so myself!

I hope you enjoy, and can't wait to see what simple simplicities you have to share!

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  1. This looks so good Amy! I'm always looking for different ways to do pizza besides the classic veggies & mozzarella. We have pizza night once a week so this will have to happen soon!

    I added a recipe I've used for stuffed peppers that is so easy and delicious!

  2. Looks yummy! We have a homemade pizza once a week, so I always like to try new flavors! I'll keep this one on the short list! Thanks for co-hosting with me :)

  3. oh my goodness. this looks so good amy! totally made me hungry!

  4. Oh, I love a simple recipe - especially if pizza is involved! ;)

  5. Oh my gosh, this looks delicious! I love pizza, but think it's fun to mix up the toppings!

  6. yum! I love fun pizzas!

  7. Ahh! That greek pizza looks delicious!

  8. That chocolate bark is almost too pretty to eat! (almost)
