Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Influence Link Up!

Today, I'm so excited to link up with all of the amazing women that I've met through The Influence Network. I have been blown away by how much I have already gotten out of my mere 2 months of membership. God definitely is moving in this group of women. And I am humbled, honored and so very thankful to be a part of it. 

If you're new here from the Network, welcome! 

So happy to have you!

Alrighty, 3 fun facts about me:

1. Give me a microphone and karaoke set, and I will jump on stage and sing. 

No, I don't have a great voice. 

And no, I'm not always great in front of crowds. 

But for whatever reason, karaoke and me go together like a chai tea latte and almond milk. 

2. I'm running my first Color Run this weekend!

And fully intend to look like this by the end:

Lastly, number 3. Falling in love with Jesus has completely and radically changed my life. 

Shocking, right? :)

I love sharing my heart on this here blog. There's nothing I'd rather talk about than our Savior's redeeming love. It's because He removes my shame that I'm able to talk about the serious issues of my heart, such as my battle with an eating disorder, and my heart for purity.

And what is one valuable thing that I've gained from the Network?

My first thought is the amazing community of women that I have met. I am so blessed by these women on a daily basis.

I'd also have to say that the two classes that I've taken have left me with some truly valuable information. I love getting to learn from women who are passionate about living a life for Christ. The two classes that I took were:

Making the Most of your Twenties, taught by Anne who blogs at Modern Mrs. Darcy
And Sharing the Gospel, taught by Jessi who blogs at Naptime Diaries

Both of these classes left me filled to the brim with truth. Truth that has already helped me so much in my walk with the Lord. 

So for that, and for the wonderful friendships that I've formed, I send a huge THANK YOU to The Influence Network!

Hope to meet all of you beautiful ladies at the conference!! :)


  1. Chai tea latte and almond favorite!!!

  2. I would NEVER have the guts to do karaoke... like EVER. Oh my word - the thought terrifies me. Have fun in your color run.. my experience wasn't so fabulous.

  3. OH Amy, we must karaoke together.

    haha love you girl! You know that!

  4. So awesome that you karaoke! I'd be shakin in my boots up there ;)

    A color run sounds awesome! Hope you have so much fun!

  5. I haven't karaoke'd with you in forever! Not since last summer? Must remedy that sometime soon :-)

    Where is the Color Run gonna be, and are you gonna be back in town by Sunday (for church)?

  6. @Kerrie, I can't WAIT to karaoke with you sometime girl!

    And @HK, YES! We must go sometime soon!! My color run is in LA, but yes the plan is to be back in SB for church on Sunday!! Are you gonna be back at Reality?? :)

  7. Yup! I don't want to miss Part 2 of his series :-) I'll be on the lookout for you-- do you usually sit in the same spot?

  8. @HK Yay!! I know I'm excited for it! I lately have never been able to go back to back weeks so I'm STOKED, ha!

    And I typically sit in generally the same area, but do you want to sit together? I'm happy to sit up in the bleachers if you liked that!

  9. I hear ya-- there's always so much to DO on the weekends.

    I'd love to sit together and wouldn't mind trying to sit closer to the front this time and seeing how it goes. I still sat in the chairs last week, but in the back row. I don't think I could survive sitting 1.5 hours on hard wooden bleachers ;-) So, I'll look for you in the same general area where I found you guys last time?

  10. @HK Hahaha yes the bleachers are not quite as supportive as the chairs ;)

    Sounds great! Can't wait!

  11. Excellent! Oh, and sorry for hijacking your blog comments for seat planning ;-)

    Hope you kick all kinds of butt on the run, btw! :-)

  12. @HK Hey, what are comments for? :)

    And thanks!! See ya Sunday!

  13. Found your blog on Lauren's. I am a new follower, and so far I can see that we have one thing in common: we love our Lord. :)

  14. Color Run?! how fun! can't wait to see pics.

  15. mmm chai tea and almond milk...yes.
    color run...yay!! can't wait to see your pictures!
    And singing..girl get it! i get stage shy when it comes to that, anything else i'm game!

  16. Love that you are doing the color run, that is so amazing! I wish I could just run in general ;) haha! Love your heart friend, so glad we have MET!!

  17. I would like to witness you singing karaoke... sounds like it would be epic.

  18. karaoke is so much fun. i've only done it a handful of times because i can never find someone willing to go with me. i need someone for moral support you know?
    that's so cool you're doing the color run. it loooks like so much fun!

  19. ooooh I'm doing a color run this summer too!!! SUPER excited!! Please post pictures, I want to see what its like =)
    I wish we could sing karaoke together, that sounds like SO much fun!!
    Much Love!!

  20. I've never actually done karaoke and have a not so good voice but feel like I would have a lot of fun with it, because I love to sing. I'm going to attempt the color run in the late summer, which will probably end up being a color walk.

  21. Your hair looks so cute in the first picture!!!

  22. You are beautiful!!! Good luck with your color run!! I've heard they are SOOO much fun! Make sure to take a before and after picture!! Haha!

  23. amy amy amy! i will jump right on stage with you for karaoke. amen & amen.

    you'll love the color run! i ran it in july and enjoyed it.

    i want to see your notes on Anne's class! i didn't go to her session at influence so i've missed her wisdom twice now! bahhh.

  24. I love your heart, and your love for Jesus is so evident! I feel like you're a nice breathe of fresh air in my life!

  25. karaoke - ha. That's awesome. I think I might like hanging out with you. :P

  26. Oh my goodness -- you've got to post on the color run! I've heard so much about those lately, and I love seeing everyone's "after" pics! ;)

  27. Girl, you are way cooler than I am! Karaoke + color run. Yep, I'm officially the boring one of the Influence group!!

    Great to meet you!

  28. Random question: Where did you get that yellow-Navajo design shirt? I am obsessed with all things Navajo these days ;)
