Friday, March 29, 2013

2013 Bucket List - Progress Check

March was a big month, people. It started with moving, and big things kept'a coming. 

Let's take a look at Bucket List progress, shall we?

1. Run at least 3 races (any distance 5K and over)

Done!! With the Run or Dye 5K and the Hot Chocolate 15K both completed this month, I get to cross this bad boy off!

But now, I've caught the racing bug. So Half Marathon, here I come!

-10K Coronado Valentine's Day Race: Feb 17th / DONE! 54 min, 8:30 mile pace

-5K Los Angeles Run or Dye: March 9th / DONE!

-15K San Diego Hot Chocolate Race: March 24th / DONE! 1hr 26min, 9:14 pace

-Santa Barbara Wine Country Half Marathon: May 11th / registered!

2. Read 30 books

So far, I've read 3 and a half books.


Yeah, looks like all that time I've spent running has taken away from the reading, ha!

Even though I've been majorly slacking, I can say that I've liked all of the books so far. Hoping to pick up the pace, but also realizing that the main focus is to read for enjoyment, not numbers. 

Keep up with my reading progress here.

3. Get a passport

Welll, I said I'd be submitting my app this month, and I definitely did not. Whoops.

It's officially moved from my room to my car, though. So I'm like half way there, right?

4. Travel outside of the country (preferably missions related)

No updates here. Honestly, this one is in God's hands. I've officially decided that if I'm meant to go out of the country this year, He will make it clear to me. 

Hey Kerrie, you just let me know when you and Wade are ready for visitors! ;)

And if not, 2014's where it's at.

5. Cross off at least 2 states

This is for my 50 State Challenge.

No flights booked, but I'll be crossing off Indiana when I go to The Influence Conference in September. 

Who wants me to come visit them to cross off my second state? Any takers?

6. Meet a blogger friend IRL

I will officially be meeting so many of my closest blog friends at Influence, and I can. not. wait. 

7. One spontaneous trip

Tahoe: Back in January

8. One random act of kindness per month

January: gas station

February: check! 

March: check!

I spent the majority of March hearing nothing in regards to what my random act should be. It made me realize that some months will be an overwhelming sense of THIS IS FROM THE LORD! and others might not be like that. 

But isn't that just how faith is in general? Sometimes, you feel an overwhelming wave of His presence. And other days? Not so much. But regardless, we walk steadily on towards our goal of meeting face to face with our Savior. 

Anywho, He did come through guys :) Yes, He did.

9. End the year with 0 balance on credit card

Revision: Maintain 0 balance on credit card


This was by far the most radical part of this month, feeling called to take out a significant chunk of my savings to pay off my credit card. And you can read all about that here

10. Double my savings

Revision: Rebuild my savings

As I said, a significant chunk of my savings was used to pay off my credit card. And I have absolutely zero regrets. There is so much peace with knowing I have not an ounce of debt. Thank you, Jesus!

All of that being said, I want to be as real as possible on this blog here. 

Why? To track progress. To watch what happens now that I have surrendered my finances to God. 

So today, I stand with my savings account at 44% of what it used to be. Goal: get that number to 100% by the end of the year.

11. Cut and donate my hair

Crossed off in January.

11. Take Milissa on a sister weekend getaway

This will be taking place this summer :)

12. Get a blog makeover!

Amy, from the Charming blog, and I have began this process! I am so excited about it, and can't wait until we have the final result!

If you're ever considering doing a blog makeover, I'd highly recommend Amy! One: she's got an awesome name. And two: she is a fabulous designer! And a breeze to work with!

So there you have it!

My progress, a quarter of the way in!

Did you make New Year's Resolutions? How are yours coming along?

<Bucket List progress tracked here>


  1. You've made awesome progress, girl! I can tell you are so dedicated!

  2. your running goals are amazing! keep it up.

  3. You are doing so well on your goal! It's wonderful to be able to see progress. :-)

  4. Your progress is inspiring. This makes me want to make a bucket list. I'll have to think about that.

  5. Tried to follow you on Twitter but it wont work. :(

  6. You are really making these goals happen! I know I said it before, but I think it's so great that you are debt free and working to rebuild your savings! :) And maybe book reading has been set aside for now, but at least you're being super active with all your running. :)

  7. You are doing such a great job! Way to really tackle that list!
