Thursday, January 31, 2013

2013 Bucket List - Progress Check

Wow, can't believe January is almost officially over! I swear the years go by faster and faster.

(Please stop.)

So each month I want to do a progress check on my 2013 Bucket List

For the most part, I'd say January was pretty productive. But in other areas, not so much

Here's the breakdown:

1. Run at least 3 races (any distance 5K and over)

-10K Coronado Valentine's Day Race (Feb 17th) - registered

Running has actually been going great, lately! So great that I've committed myself to a preeettyyy lofty 2013 goal. 

In case I haven't mentioned, as of March 1st I'll be officially living with this girl. 

Not only is she an incredible person and friend, but she's a fan-freaking-tastic athlete too. 

{Not to mention she blogs? Match made in heaven, I know.}

So anywho, she turns 26 in October, and her plan is to run 26 miles to celebrate her 26th birthday (aka a full marathon). She told me I should do it with her, and I laughed. 

A lot. 

Until I decided it actually sounds kind of awesome, and I should at least give it a shot. So, the tentative plan is:

10K February
Half Marathon May
Full Marathon October
(+ whatever fun 5Ks I can find in the middle)

Cross your fingers for me?

2. Read 30 books

So far I've read 1 and a half books, so I think it's safe to say that I'm behind on this one. 

But I'm fairly confident that I can pick up the pace!

Follow my progress here.

3. Get a passport

Progress here! Picked up my passport application:

And then realized that I should wait until I've moved so that I can put my updated address. 

So in March, it is!

4. Travel outside of the country (preferably missions related)

I have a trip in mind, a trip to volunteer in orphanages in Honduras in June. 

No flights book yet! But plans are in motion :)

5. Cross off at least 2 states

This is for my 50 State Challenge.

No flights booked, but various possible trips have been mentioned. 

6. Meet a blogger friend IRL

Again, no flights booked. 

But discussions have started!

7. One spontaneous trip

Yahoo! One I can finally cross off. 

Tahoe: plans were confirmed within 48 hours of leaving. That counts, right?

8. One random act of kindness per month

January: gas station

1 down, 11 to go!

I think this might be one of my favorites to complete. 

9. End the year with 0 balance on credit card

Aaand we get to the saving money goals. 

(These aren't going so hot)

In January, my credit card balance increased by 1%.


10. Double my savings

In January, my savings decreased by 5%.

(Like I said, not so hot.)

So clearly, we can see where I'm struggling. 

Good thing I'm getting my tax return soon?

11. Cut and donate my hair

Yay! I don't totally suck! Another crossed off :)

See here for more before and after pictures!

11. Take Milissa on a sister weekend getaway

Nothing in the books, yet. 

But pretty precious story about this. My sister is 8, for those who don't know. And she just started really reading the Bible (praise the Lord for sparking interest in her little heart!).

So one day she calls me up and goes Amy! I know where we should go on our sister trip!

Me: Where?


How precious is that? 

I told her I'm not quite sure that I can afford that right now, but that we should definitely go together in the future. 

12. Get a blog makeover!

Contacted Amy from the Charming blog, and we will be working on this at the end of February!

Could not be more excited :)

So there you have it!

My progress. 

Or in some cases, lack there of

Excited to see what goes down in February!


  1. You've made awesome progress to only be a year in! I am LOVING the hair cut!

  2. You are doing great! That is a lot of progress for only being a month in! And seriously, a full marathon? You are awesome!

  3. wow, you have already done such a good job considering it's only been a month. Keep it up.

  4. You are doing great, girl! And the financial stuff may seem like you aren't doing great, but the important thing is that you are looking at this right now so you can see how you are doing until waiting until the end of the year and feeling like it's hopeless. :) Also, the story about your sister... too cute!

  5. I think your trip should be to Houston :) :) and good for you with all the running! Please give me some of that motivation! Even though you didn't accomplish ALL of your goals this month, I think you still did pretty darn great!!!!
