Tuesday, May 20, 2014

A Very Santa Barbara Weekend

While I love adventuring and traveling to new places, there's something special about getting to spend an entire weekend right here in Santa Barbara. Especially when the weather is positively gorgeous. 

Kicked off flexday Friday with a surf lesson; talk about a wonderful way to dive into weekend mode. Tabitha found a deal on Living Social for a private lesson for 2, and I jumped right on board with that one. Our instructor, Vanessa Rivers, was fabulous. {And not just because she blogs}. Highly recommend her if you're ever in the area and want to get some surfing in!

I had surfed a bit growing up, but hadn't been in probably a decade. Sidenote: it's slightly disturbing that I can honestly use the time frame of a "decade" now. It came back to me pretty well, and it was so refreshing to be out in the water on such a beautiful day. 

Right as we were paddling in after our lesson, a huuuge sea lion popped up next to us. Pretty spectacular ending to our time in the ocean. 

Enjoyed another Santa Barbara favorite on Saturday. Kali snapchatted me a picture of this fantastic contraption with the caption "Want to do this today?" The benefit to having no Saturday day plans? The answer: "yes!!"

We had such a blast biking past the gorgeous beach. Our experience was complete with a dolphin sighting, channeling our inner "woo!" girls any time we passed other bikers, and singing along to "Let It Go," with corresponding dance moves. 

Though, if we're snapchat friends, you already know most of this because I blew up your feed.

Celebrated that beautiful girl in the middle's birthday on Saturday night, and enjoyed prooobably the most delicious potluck I've had. At least top 10 for sure. 

And since we're on the topic of delicious food, this was my dinner on Sunday. 

After that delicious sushi feast, ended the weekend finally seeing Heaven Is For Real with some of my favorite lady friends. 

Tried popcorn and tapatio for the first time, which I'm still slightly dumbfounded as to who came up with that idea and how it got circulated to every movie theater ever. I can definitely say I'm a fan of the combo! But I can also say that I'll most certainly go a little lighter on the tapatio next time. Pretty sure your pop corn isn't supposed to be drenched, but then again, I'm a newb at this thing so what do I know?

Needless to say, it was a pretty phenomenal Santa Barbara weekend. Already looking forward to the next one. 


  1. Your life is so full of so many great things. #blessed

  2. i may have had sushi on friday and already want it again!!!! also, i really want to learn how to surf

  3. So so fun! I am so jealous you went surfing. I need to do that!

  4. love reading about your weekends girl! so much fun. and that sea lion, how awesome is that?!
