Thursday, May 22, 2014

2014 Bucket List - Progress Check

Last year, I did this almost monthly. This year, it's almost half way through (say whaaat?) and I'm doing my first progress check. About time, huh?

Let's take a look at this year's Bucket List, shall we?

2014 Bucket List

One // Go through the Our Daily Bread Daily Devotional Bible.  

I can gladly say I'm on my way to crossing this one off at the end of the year! I've been able to keep up with this daily devotional, and I love that it's pulling me into the Word on a daily basis.
Lord knows, I need it!

Two // Go out of the country. 

{Insert biggest happy dance ever.} 

Sometimes, I can't believe that I actually went to Africa

On our last night, we circled up around a table at a delicious Italian restaurant in Rwanda. We took turns sharing stories from our time spent in the mission field, the kind of stories that will forever serve as evidence of our amazing God. And, we each mentioned a particular National that blessed us. Mine was a young boy named Alex that 100% stole my heart. 

He almost stole my sunglasses, too. :)

As we sat in that circle, our leader gave us some advice for when we returned home. He warned us that there would be times the whole trip would feel like a dream, and he was right. So often, I have to remind myself that it was real. I was there, in Africa, frolicking with those boys in those GORGEOUS green forest plains, sharing the story of Jesus to engaged crowds, celebrating His faithful love with my brothers and sisters across the world. 

I really did go out of the country. And I really can't wait to go back. 

Three // Read 20 books. 

So far, I've read:

1. Bittersweet by Shauna Niequist

2. Speak Love by Annie Downs

3. Meaning of Marriage by Timothy Keller

4. The Truest Thing About You by Dave Lomas

5. The Boy In The Striped Pajamas by John Boyne

Currently Reading:

6. The Jesus-Hearted Woman by Jodi Detrick

7. The Daniel Plan by Rick Warren

8. The Great Procession by Jacob Reeve

All so, so good! I would say my favorites in that list are Bittersweet, The Jesus-Hearted Woman and The Great Procession. Check em' out!

Four // Invest in a good camera. 

This one gets to be half crossed off. I invested in a good camera (hooray!), but I've been having some issues with it (boo!), so I need to take it to the camera store here in town. 

No worries, I've got the next half of the year to figure it out. ;)

It certainly takes good quality pictures, though!

Five // Send one piece of snail mail each month. 

Does sending back my Stitch Fix count? 

Kidding. In all honesty, I forgot about this one for months February - April, and just now remembered. I'll just have to send two pieces of snail mail each month for the rest of the year. Boom, resolved. 

Six // Be in a wedding for the first time. 

Will be crossing this one off in just about 10 days, woo hoo!!

And then will double cross it off come August!

Seven // Run one half marathon. 

Crossing this one off on Sunday when I run this race!

Eight // Put 10% of each paycheck into savings. 

It's about time I start doing this! My savings account is very thankful. 

Nine // Host 3 dinner parties. 

We've had quite a few gatherings at our house, but no formal dinner parties yet! I need to get on this. 

Ten // Take a Reed Sister VayCay part 2.

Just started looking into planning this! Last year, I used Groupon Getaways to book the hotel, and it was a fantastic deal. I'm looking to use them again, and since we had such a fabulous time in the desert, I'm thinking Arizona? 

We shall see!

Eleven // Do something special one on one with Mom, Dad & Mike. 

This year, I've gotten more one on one time with my mom. I don't think I realized how long it had been since we had that until we finally had some time to ourselves. I've really been loving it, and hope to have more of it. 

Going to a Red Sox/Angels game with my dad and brother later this summer, and looking forward to that as well!

Twelve // Go whale watching.

This isn't technically crossed off, but I might say it counts. After a race last month, my friend spotted whales as we were walking back to the car. I might have dropped my purse, and shrieked "this is a dream come true!!"

{hashtag not exaggerating}

Okay, so you can't exactly see the whales. But that white spot in the middle of the ocean? Totally a blow spout. 

 Thirteen // Cross off one state.

Will cross this off at the end of August when I go visit this girl!

Texas, here I come!

 Fourteen // Spend one day a week social media free.

Honestly, I've kiiind of sucked at this one. But what I've been trying to do is leave my phone at home one week day. A) accomplishes the social media free part, and B) makes my work day distraction-free! win/win. 


And there you have it! Just like last year, some are going super well, some not so well. Good thing I've still got half the year left. Hopefully, I can turn around some of those "not so well"s. 

Happy Almost Friday!


  1. good luck with your race this weekend!

  2. I loved reading these! How cool about the whales! I would have done the same thing haha. I hope you have fun at the weddings and the race! Good luck :)

    xo, gina

  3. Love reading how you are achieving your goals! Good job!
