Monday, December 23, 2013

What Sundays Were Made For

Sundays are my favorite days. 

Over the years, they've looked different. Growing up, it was a day to mourn the incoming school week. At 16 years old, they were a 9-5 work day. As a college freshman, I learned what the term "Sunday Funday" refers to. And once I was introduced to fantasy football, Sundays were dedicated to spending nearly 12 hours straight glued to a couch. 

Now, every Sunday is unique. Some are packed to the brim, running from one thing to another. Others are nearly empty, set aside for time to just be. But there's one thing that every Sunday has in common, and that's church

I wrote about it here, but if you're short on time, I'll sum it up for you. I don't view church as something that I have to do. I don't view church as something that affects my salvation, or as something that can determine if I am a "good Christian" or a "bad Christian." {No such thing}

I view church as something that I am blessed to be a part of. As a matter of fact, "church" has changed a lot for me recently. Not only do I serve in different ways than I did when I wrote that post just over 3 months ago, but I go to a different church all together. {That's for another blog post}. 

You know what though? We're all the same, really. We're all part of the same giant family, just broken into individual bodies that serve individual functions. I truly believe that God has purpose for each one of His churches, and He has a specific place for each of us, too. 

This blog post is turning into something entirely different than I intended it to be. So let's summarize, and get to the pictures, shall we? 

I really love church. 

Sundays are my favorite days. 

Here is what Sundays were made for: 

// Starting a new book, while cranking in some elliptical time //

// Middle School youth group. In the form of a Christmas movie party //

// Visiting with friends that you don't see often enough //

// Trying Sprinkles Cupcakes for the first time //

// Seeing some of the best Christmas decorations ever //

// Homemade pizza for dinner with a side of spectacular fellowship & conversation //

Not pictured. Because the pizza was devoured before the camera was taken out. 

I hope you had an equally wonderful Sunday! Today is my last day of work until 2014. Don't mind me as I happy-dance-in-my-cubicle my way through this Monday. 


  1. Couldn't have said it better myself!!! Those cupcakes looks amazing!!

  2. You're life inspires me in the way that you've filled it to the brim with such good things!

  3. SPRINKLES! I so want to go there one day! I absolutely love those Christmas decorations!!!

  4. You're blog is such an inspiration! Love this post!

  5. This is such a happy post! Love that your Sunday turned out to be joyful and fun! I've never had sprinkles cupcakes before, but they look delicious. I hope you have a very merry Christmas and enjoy time with your family!

    xo, gina

  6. Those cupcakes look so delicious. I read Bittersweet a few months ago and I love it.

  7. Merry Christmas my friend!! God bless you always. ❤️
