Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Insatiable Quest for Beauty

A few months ago, the lovely Tiffany Dawn sent me a copy of her book, The Insatiable Quest for Beauty

I only had to read two sentences on the back of this book to know I would love it. 

Sentence 1: Come have coffee with me! Anyone who knows me knows coffee dates are my jam. I'm not even a real coffee drinker (this will shock anyone who follows me on Instagram), but put me in a coffee shop with a super sugared out beverage and a good friend, and I'm in my zone. 

Sentence 2: Let's talk about an insatiable quest for beauty and the things that come with it - things like body image issues, low self esteem, unhealthy eating patterns, and looking to dating for our worth. Every single thing listed in that sentence, I have struggled with at some point or another. Some of those things I still struggle with. I knew right away that I would relate a whooole lot with Tiffany's story. 

And relate, I sure did. Tiffany beautifully shares her story through a series of "coffee dates." Oh how I wish they were in real life coffee dates! But I was certainly sitting in coffee shops for some of them. Sometimes it felt like I was reading my own story on those pages. 

I am tempted to say that every single girl who reads this will resonate with it. Maybe you will relate to Tiffany's painful break up. Or, maybe you will relate to her battle with disordered eating, which came from a desperate desire to feel thin. Maybe it will be that aching feeling of not being good enough, or pretty enough, that hits home for you. For me? It all did. 

You know what I hope you resonate with though? I hope you can relate to the process of restoration that Tiffany goes through. I hope you read about her experience of finding freedom in the Lord, and find yourself smiling and nodding along. I sure did. I couldn't help but look back on all of the restoring and redeeming that the Lord has done in my own life. 

Today, Tiffany and I want to give one lucky reader a copy of her book. I pray that it blesses you as much as it did me. 

Love you, beautiful people! I pray that you feel how loved you are today. 

{Giveaway open until Sunday night}

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Are you in the book to, Amy? :) That would be so exciting!

  2. This sounds like a really great book that would connect with so many different women!
