Monday, August 12, 2013

Reed Sister Vaycay

I probably should have warned you that I would be blowing up your Insta and Twitter feed this weekend. Some weekends just deserve the obnoxious over-social-media-fying, and the possibility of losing a few followers. 

This was one of them. 

It was also a weekend that doesn't require much words, because the pictures do the talking.

What the pictures don't show is how much I learn from this little 8 year old. 

I am fairly certain that God gave me Milissa to give me a glimpse into the wonderful, challenging world of parenting. And while I know I am soooo far from understanding it all, I also know that I'm thankful for what I've learned through my sister. 

I've learned that you need grace. The moments where you get frustrated, where you say the wrong thing, and what grips the heart the most: when you walk away feeling like you didn't love the way that they deserve to be loved, there is grace. 

I've learned that most of what you teach, you still need work on too. I preach the importance of patience, and before I know it, I'm losing mine. I emphasize that your worth and value come from who God made you to be, and not what you look like. And two seconds later, that self consciousness is creeping up on me because I ate too much and feel gross. The learning never stops. 

I've learned that the most important thing, more important than teaching or having fun or providing, is to love. And love well. The fact of the matter is, we'll never get this loving thing down pat. We're human, we mess up all the time. But that doesn't mean you stop trying. You keep trying, because the love will shine through the mess ups. 

And I hope this does not sound like parenting advice, because I fully understand that having an 8 year old sister does not make me a parent. 

But I also understand the importance of documenting what you learn, and this is what I've learnt from my relationship with my beautiful baby sister, Milissa. 

This was so much more than a Bucket List item checked off. 


  1. =)
    Looks like y'all had so much fun and made some lasting memories!!
    I learn so much from my younger cousins that i definitely store that information away in the "when i'm a parent" bank.

  2. Looks so so fun andddd you learned some valuable lessons that can be used in many different life areas -- sounds like a win to me!

  3. Aw you are such an amazing sister!!! It looks like you all had a lot of fun :)

  4. Awwww :) Love this!! You're such a great sister!! Loved seeing your pictures on IG! She is so cute!

  5. I loved being able to follow along on Instagram and Twitter! You guys looked like you had so much fun! Love that you love spending special time with her:)

  6. How Fun! Reminds me of when my sis was that young. (I've mentioned how we are 14 years apart). I too felt like I learned so much from her and still do even though now she is 16!

  7. I love this post. I am 7.5 years apart from my next sibiling (my sister) and 16 years apart from my youngest sibiling, so I know what you mean by "feeling like a parent." I always said it was as if I was more like an aunt than a sister. So true how we can learn so much from those little ones. I can't even begin to express what I've learned from my sibilings. I love this post, so heartwarming.

  8. i love that your sister has you to look up to and despite the age difference you make the effort to spend time with her. and you're absolutely right, dealing with children whether you be their parent or not always requires grace and love. and yes, it's something that we'll always be learning. love the photos, it looks like an awesome weekend!

  9. What fun that you got to spend the weekend with your little sister! My ten year old sisters are coming down next weekend and I'm SO EXCITED!!! :-)

  10. What a fun weekend and you can see how excited she is in the pictures. Love it!

  11. awww what a wonderful sister weekend!! I love spending time with my nieces/nephews and I remember loving my sister days/time with my older sister when I was growing up :)

  12. I was OBSESSED with your sister weekend instagram recaps! I think because my oldest sister and I were so close when I was growing up. She's seven years older than me and was always a mom/sister in my life. It's a special relationship and I just know (because I'm the little sister in the relationship) that this trip meant the world to her.

  13. I loved seeing all of your pictures all weekend on Instagram!! It looked like a blast and I feel the same way when I am nannying, that I get a glimpse of parenting and what it will be like. :) you girls are beautiful!

  14. What gorgeous pictures...thanks for posting!

  15. I loved keeping up with your shenanigans all weekend! I love those pictures of you both in the desert jumping. It looks like you had an amazing time; y'all make me wish I had a little sister!
