Friday, August 9, 2013

For Your Friday

This video is an excerpt from our pastor's sermon "When Sparrows Fall." He gave this message shortly before his 8 year old daughter passed away from cancer, and it is probably one of the most powerful sermons I've ever heard. 

If you have the time today, watch this video. I can promise you those 6 minutes will leave an impact that will last much longer. 

Be encouraged, my friends. For He is with you. 


  1. This is beautiful and truly worth the six minutes. I've heard a lot of interpretations of the phrase "fear God" and what that means and I really love this one and know it will stick with me. "To fear God is to trust Him enough to believe, by faith, that He is good, sovereign and present when life is hard, cruel and out of control." Amen.

    Thanks for sharing this! This made a wonderful start to my day. :)

  2. SO WONDERFUL. Thank you so much for sharing this. Needed it desperately today. Struggling with my health. xo

  3. What an amazing video!! It was very encouraging for me today. So thankful that you posted this :)

    xo, gina

  4. Oh friend I watched this a few weeks ago and cried my eyes out. love their hearts. Precious.

    Going to add this to my Links I Love post today, if that's OK :)

    Love ya!

  5. I feel like this is one of those things that would be good to watch during hard times, to remind us how good our God is, even when it all seems so confusing.

    Love your sweet heart, thank you for sharing!
