Sunday, June 2, 2013

My Weekend

{According to Instagram}

Seriously, ya'll, this weekend was amazingggg. It was jam packed with:

Divine appointments. Seriously, every single breakfast date, lunch date, coffee date, dinner date & drinks date was PACKED with Godly conversation. 

A little bit of beach time.

A comfy Friday night of Arrested Development. 

A beautiful Saturday spent at Santa Barbara Harbor. 

An amazing shopping find for only eleven dollars, people!

Running for the Juneathon!

And ended the weekend with amazing time with my even more amazing mentor!

You guys, don't be deceived by the word "marriage" in the title. This book by Timothy Keller is AMAZING for married and single people. It gives such insight into why God designed marriage, and how we have greatly strayed from that. I'm only one chapter in, and the book is already freeing me from the idealistic and all around false expectations that I previously had. 

READ IT. Just saying :)

Love you guys! Have a fabulous Monday!


  1. Hm I will have to look into that book. I'm excited that you told us about the Juneathon! I'm excited to be getting back to exercise. I'm glad you had such a great weekend! I hope you have an equally lovely week.

  2. Yayyy for frozen yogurt!! Love that dress on you! Might have to check that book out!

  3. Absolutely obsessed with that $11 white dress! You look so pretty - and so glad you had a nice weekend :)

  4. LOVE that $11 dollar dress! You find the cutest things! I need to come shopping with you :)

  5. Looks like a lovely weekend, girl! That dress is adorable (and $11, too?!) and that book looks amazing. Normally, I would pass on all things marriage-related when it comes to books but I'm glad you're recommending it to everyone--despite their relationship status. :)

  6. Where oh where did you find that beauty for $11?? So gorgeous! Looks like a wonderful weekend. xo

  7. I've been looking for a new marriage book for my hubby and I to do! I think I shall check this one out! And where can I find a dress like that for 11$$$??? omg!!! So cute.

  8. I really do love that dress! Are you watching the 4th season of Arrested Development?

  9. love that dress. so pretty and for $11 it's a steal. so good you had a great weekend! by the way that yogurt (it looks like yogurt with the fruit toppings) looks delicious!!

  10. Your weekend looks like it was amazing! How fun! And I love, love, love that dress :) Thanks for the book suggestion, too. A trap us single girls can easily fall into is idealizing marriage and walking into that season with expectations that only lead to frustration and disappointment. I'm definitely going to look into that one! I've been on a hunt for things that will encourage the season I'm in these days: wanting to dive in to what the Lord's doing in my life NOW not daydreaming that marriage is when His plan begins. Sheesh, that's a lot, but your blog already has me thinking! It's just lovely!

  11. Looks like a wonderful weekend! I love those coffee dates that turn into spiritual conversations. :) And your dress is super cute! Great deal!

  12. Hurrah for fun weeks! I'm so glad your days have been full of divine appointments. Those are the BEST. And look at you, little fitness diva. Some day I'll be like you....

  13. Hi! I was just looking through your posts and loving them all! I loved how you used the phrase "divine appointments," gotta love it when God provides that quality time with people in your life! :)

