Saturday, June 1, 2013


Hey everyone! Today is June 1st, which not only means my birthday is right around the corner, but also means it's time for Juneathon!

I learned about Juneathon from one of my favorite bloggers, Hanna. Finding her blog is seriously a huuuge part of why I got the motivation to start running. I'm fairly certain that I wouldn't have run a half marathon if it weren't for her, especially after seeing her come back from her own stress fracture!

So thank you, Hanna! You inspire me more than you know :)

Juneathon is a challenge to run or do some sort of exercise every day in June, and then blog about it! So expect little snippits of my Juneathon activity every day, and keep me accountable!

If you don't hear of any activity, you have my full permission to call me out in the comments section ;)

And since I'm doing this fun challenge, I thought it would be a good idea to set some goals for myself. So without further adieu: 

Juneathon Goals:

One: Run outside 3 days a week. Doesn't matter the distance: just do it. 

Two: Get in 2 days of strength training a week. 

Three: Run one 10 mile run during the course of the month. 

Four: Run one under 8 minute mile. 

Five: Run a 5K in 25 minutes. 

Totally doable, right? 

Kicked off day 1 with a 5 miler (the longest I've run since the half a few weeks ago, ha!).

Would you look at that June gloom?? Right on schedule, dangit. 

Happy Saturday! And if you're interested in joining us for Juneathon, dooo it! Sign up here.


  1. Oh sweet! I think I'm going to do this! I need to get back into an exercise routine and this could be the motivation I need.

  2. You go girl! And your blog looks great!

  3. You're amazing, my friend! :D

  4. You are such an inspiration!! You go girl!!

  5. I saw randomly saw the FB page for Juneathon the other day! I am in the mood to run & do more different types of exercise. I totally ate frozen yogurt today (second Sunday in a row!) & thought of you ha!

  6. Nice!!! Does lifting a 20 pound baby count?? Haha! :)

  7. Thank you for sharing her blog! Wow, what a transformation & inspiration for me!!!

    I'm trying to run every Monday, Wednesday & Friday.
