Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Favorites & Lessons {Of 23} // Vol. 3

Sharing more favorites & lessons today.
To see Volumes 1 & 2, check em' out here.

Ten // I brought my sister to the Living Nativity at the church where I first accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. 

{Source: this post}

It was such a sweet thing to share with her. I love watching her learn more and more about Jesus. This definitely will be an annual tradition, I'm sure!

Eleven // I wrote my 2013 Bucket List, which has been revised and kept up to date right here

It's been so awesome watching month to month as these items get crossed off, these goals get accomplished. I definitely will be making a Bucket List for each year moving forward :)

Twelve // cut and donated my hair

{Source: this post}

Point for the Bucket List!

Thirteen // I went to the snow! Mammoth, to be exact. 

It was my first time seeing snow in so many years, and I forgot how dang beautiful it is!

{Source: this post}

It was also my first time snow boarding in so many years. 

And therefore, I sucked. But it was still a blast of a trip! And a spontaneous one, too! Another point for the Bucket List. 

Fourteen // This year it really hit me that when Jesus died, 
He took our shame with Him.

The shame that tempts me to keep my struggles hidden. The shame that tries to convince me that I will never live up to God's expectations, and therefore am unworthy of His love. The shame that satan uses to taint my view of myself, a child created in the image of God. 

He takes all of that away. 

{Source: this post}

It's amazing that when He frees you of shame, you are truly able to air out all of the dirty laundry that keeps you in chains inside. He's taught me to absolutely use discernment with who and what I share, but He's shown me that there is no shame in sharing my struggles with others. 

As a matter of fact, it's when I share them that I am truly set free. 

Tune in for more favorites & lessons tomorrow :)
And have yourself a happy humpday!


  1. We went to a live nativity a few years ago! It was the cutest & neatest thing!

  2. some good things happening on your 23rd year amy, year 24 will be just as great!

  3. My shame is eating me up right now. I feel shame when I open my mouth and some bad words fly out. I feel shame when I don't open my Bible every day. Overall, I just feel unworthy of His love. I don't feel like I'm good enough. I need to get over that! He does Love me...but just wants me to do better :). I needed to read this today!

  4. It's so good to shar your problems with others because it shows us and reminds us that we are humans and we make mistakes, but it helps us to remember not to do them again.

    I am so proud of you for teaching your sister about God! He is so important in everyone's lives. :)

  5. I LOVE that scripture. AMEN! :)
