Friday, May 17, 2013

HAPPY Friday!

Happy Friday!

There's a lot to be happy about this week, so let's get to it:

*Going home to visit the fam this weekend makes me happy!*

*Getting to go on my very first blate this weekend will make me very happy!*

Especially because it's with this girl:

*Running in Nite Moves this week and having no foot pain made me extremely happy!*

Also, finally introducing these two, who I knew would be insta-bffs. 

{They were}

*The extra lovin' that I'll see from my next paycheck because of this week's overtime makes me happy*

Bye bye flexday, see you in a few weeks!

*The unexpected blessing of a new position with more responsibility at work makes me happy*

*Finding this incredibly epic relay race and starting the process of forming a team made me happy*

Heyy Nor Cal people, any one feel like joining our team??

*The love and support of all of you always makes me happy*

*Guest posting over at my girl Melissa Jo's blog today makes me happy*

What makes you happy on this Friday?


  1. You and Julie are going to hang out? Awesome! have fun you two! :D

  2. =)
    Sounds like you have an awesome weekend ahead!

  3. I just love blates :) oohh, yay for a bigger paycheck! Woo woo!

  4. ooh have fun you get to hang out with julie! im sure i will see photos on instagram of your blate. also no pain on a run is a great thing for sure!

  5. Have fun on your blate this weekend! It's so fun when blog life transitions into real life! Yay!

  6. Hooray for a new position at work AND a chance to see family AND Julie. To be completely honest, I'm a little jealous I don't get in on your amazing weekend. :) Enjoy it and I can't wait to hear all about your blate!

  7. So so so excited for this weekend! Hooray! Only about one more day :)
