Thursday, May 16, 2013


Today, I was in a room full of hundreds of children. 

Those kids behind me in the blue baseball shirts? Those are my kids. My fourth graders who have been working so hard over the past year to get ready for one event, today's Math Super Bowl. 

As I was walking around this giant room full of brains hard at work, I couldn't stop thinking about two things. 

One: how much this reminded me of AP testing. 

Man, glad that's over with!

And two: I could not stop praying for these kids. 

And not just the ones that I have come to know, but all of them. I couldn't help but wonder what their mornings had been like today. I'm sure most were filled with happiness, excitement, and joy as their parents told them how proud they were of their achievement for just getting invited to the Math Super Bowl. 

I'm sure some were filled with laughter with their siblings, and kisses goodbye before school. 

But it breaks my heart to know that some weren't like that. And today, I prayed for those kids. 

Today, I prayed that all of these children would come to know their incredible worth in Christ. That they would know that regardless of how their school placed in this competition, regardless of how pretty they felt that day, or regardless of the last time they heard the words "I love you,"
they are loved. 

I prayed that the Holy Spirit would come into this room full of 4th, 5th and 6th graders, and fill these hearts with 
so. much. love. 

And on that note, I hope you know how loved you are today. 


  1. You are such an inspiration! I love how you keep reminding us of how Christ wants us to live. Thank you for that :)

  2. Awww! Welcome to my world! What an amazing opportunity that is for those kids!! So awesome! I would have been praying too! I pray for my students all of the time! :) love this post!

  3. Wow! This post is awesome! God is using you for so much. What an amazing opportunity! :)
    Much love xoxo

  4. Aww Amy, you have a wonderful heart! love ya, my friend!

  5. That is so awesome! You are such a wonderful person. I love your dress too!

  6. Awww what a wonderful, sweet teacher & person you are!!

  7. You have such a beautiful heart and I love your heart for those kids! And I had no idea you were a teacher/coach/mentor, too! As someone who hated math growing up, I know for a fact that we need more passionate people out there encouraging and loving on kids to do more math and know that they are loved. And a math superbowl? That's awesome! :)
