Thursday, April 4, 2013

Thank You & A Giveaway

To My Readers:

Thank you doesn't even begin to cover it. 

Your comments yesterday meant the world to me. Thank you for your kind words, and for your encouragement. You guys blow me away with the amount of support and love that I find here on this blog, and I am so thankful for this amazing network of women that I have found in cyberland. 

Thank you for never judging me, for never accusing me of falling short, and for always appreciating the deepest and most honest parts of my heart. 

Thank you for always being there to pray for me. Whether we're talking over Instagram, Twitter or even texting, I am thankful that I always have people to pray. 

For the record, I reached out for prayer at 10PM on Tuesday night as I was fighting a 102 fever and really hoping to work a full day on Wednesday. 

I woke up at 6:45AM with a beautiful 97 degree temp, and was able to get in and work a full 9 hours. 

Thank you, thank you, thank you for your prayers. They work. 

And most importantly, thank you for pointing me back to Christ. 

Each and every one of your comments just poured out God's love. And not just on yesterday's post, always. You guys are constantly inspiring me to seek after Christ, the lover of my soul, the one who can fill every little crack in my heart. 

The cracks that no man can fill. No friend can fill. No job can fill. No dress, high heels, or rockin pair of jeans can fill. 

The cracks that no 9.3 mile run can fill. No Lower Body Blast class can fill. No burrito can fill. And no cup of Yogurtland can fill. 

And those cracks? They are nothing to be ashamed of. We all have them.

But the good news is we all have a Savior too. 

A Man named Jesus Christ who passionately loves us. And His love is the perfect kind of love. The kind of love that can heal even the biggest of cracks. 

So thank you for reminding me of that yesterday. 

You guys are wonderful. And I love you. 

Each and every one of you. 

Which is why I'm giving one of you beautiful ladies a beautiful necklace. 

Like that transition, there?

Last month I ordered a necklace from my wonderful friend, L

I just love mine, and knew that her shop, All Glorious Within Accessories would be perfect for a giveaway. 

So one lucky reader will get to choose a necklace, or any other item, of their choice!

How to Enter?

Follow Sweet Home Santa Barbara via GFC

Additional Entries: 
Tell me what item you would choose from All Glorious Within Accessories
Follow Sweet Home Santa Barbara via bloglovin'
Follow @sweethomesb on Twitter
Follow @sweethomesb on Instagram
Follow All Glorious Within via GFC

Leave a comment for each individual entry, and good luck!

Giveaway winner will be chosen on Thursday, April 11th.


  1. so glad to hear your fever went down and you were able to work!!

    i am already a GFC follower of yours :)

  2. i also follow you on bloglovin

  3. i would love the new dehlila earrings :)

  4. I'm already a follower here and on twitter. :)

  5. God is truly amazing and He is always there for us. we are his children. What parent can say no to their child? :)

  6. i am so glad you are feeling better! Having a fever is seriously the worst!
    I most definitely follow you via GFC

  7. I'm so glad you were abundantly blessed yesterday.

    As for the necklace, as soon as I saw the Paris one on her instagram and I was swooning. I've always said one day I want to go there.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Forgot to mention which one,lol! I like either the one you got the blue silver key or the Paris one. I like the leaf one. Too but the flower is kinda depressing. Maybe in a brighter color?

  10. And follow you on Twitter :)

  11. I want the vintage leaf necklace SO BAD! :) And I fulfilled all the requirements except the Twitter one, cause I don't have Twitter. :( Oh well.

    Love you!

  12. Decided on the Paris necklace. LOL, sorry I took so long to decide. :)

  13. you are such a sweetie Amy!
    I'm already a GFC follower :)

  14. I LOVE the Whimsical Birdcage Necklace.

  15. I also follow you on Instagram.

  16. i would pick the Lovebirds in Birdcage Necklace.

  17. Okay, I changedmymindagain, LOL. I pick the same you got,the blue heart key.

  18. Following your blog now, and on Twitter, as well. :) (@emmasaska on Twitter)

    As for which necklace... They are all so beautiful! I'd say the birdcage or the leaf... Hmm, probably the leaf. :)

  19. Now also following All Glorious Within. :)

  20. I'm a follower of yours for quite some time now! Wish I knew you IRL :)

  21. If I'd win I'd like the vintage Leaf necklace or the in love with paris one!
    Thank you for the giveaway and get well soon!

  22. I follow you on Bloglovin' :) does that count?

  23. I'm a GFC follower :) And I am so glad you are feeling better!!! The power of prayer is amazing!

  24. Amen and amen!! Thank you for always being such an encourager! :)

  25. Hey! I love your blog and I love getting connected like this. God is so good and brings encouragement in so many different ways. I am a friend of Diana ( and started reading her blog and found you through her! I'm a new blogger myself. I have always loved to journal, but would never consider myself a writer. Thank YOU for the encouragement and boldness that you bring in your blog! Also just wondering ... what is GFC?

  26. Hi! These are so pretty. I think I follow you on pretty much everything! Haha

  27. What a great giveaway! These necklaces are so pretty. :) I follow you via GFC already.

  28. And I follow you on Bloglovin'! I'd follow you on Instagram if I had a smart phone, haha!

  29. Aaand I Love the Vintage Key necklace. SO pretty!

  30. I follow you GFC karrie smith

  31. I would get this blue bracelet :

  32. I follow SHSB on bloglovin-karrie smith

  33. I follow on Twitter @karriesmith3

  34. I follow on instagram: karries3

  35. I follow AGW: karrie smith (gfc)

  36. And now also following All Glorious Within on Twitter and her blog.

  37. I already follow your precious blog through GFC.

  38. And I just added you to Bloglovin'!

  39. I would choose the whimsical birdcage necklace

  40. I follow you on GFC! (Name: SH)

  41. I love the lovebirds in birdcage necklace! I'd definitely choose the gray dahlia and white pearl.

  42. I follow you on Bloglovin! Name: Sheree Hartung

  43. I follow you on Twitter! @shereehartung

  44. I am following All Glorious Within through GFC! Name: SH

  45. following on GFC: Helen T

  46. I LOVE the In Love With Paris Necklace, so cute!
