Saturday, April 20, 2013

Prayer Chain // Week 8

Happy Sunday, beautifuls!
I'm excited for this week's Prayer Chain, because it's been a wonderful week full of praises. A lot of which were listed here, but honestly, the biggest praise of all is just the amount of peace I've experienced this week.
God's peace truly is an incredible feeling, and I have been blessed with a lot of it this week. So thank you to all of you who have been praying with me and for me for the past 8 weeks. I have felt the effects of your prayers :)
Getting to end this week with my family was another big praise. I am so blessed to live not only a mere 3-4 hour drive away from my family, but an incredibly beautiful one at that!
So I'm definitely thankful for weekends like this.
Prayer Request:
This week, I would really appreciate prayer for the people in my life who are currently either struggling in their relationship with the Lord, or walking without Christ entirely.
I would like prayer that I can learn to simply be still, and listen to how God would like to use me in each individual case. Whether it be by witnessing, or just by listening & loving, I know God has a perfect plan. I would like to learn to trust Him more, and listen when the Spirit is guiding me.
I hope you all know how thankful I am for each and every one of you. It is such a joy for Melissa Jo and I to be praying for you!
How can we be praying for you today?
Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray.
Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing praises. 
Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them 
pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. 

James 5: 13-14

Sweet Home Santa Barbara


  1. Definitely will be praying about these things!! Thank you so much for all of your prayers!!

  2. Yay for wonderful weeks! Those are some good prayer requests this week and I will definitely be praying those things for you.

  3. It looks like you had an amazing time with your family!! :)

  4. I've been feeling so much peace this week too! God works so so amazingly in our lives to just calm our hearts and take fear away from us in His presence.

    I'll be praying lovely! For all those people in your life, and for you as well. Such beautiful prayer requests. I need to learn to simply be still too and just listen to the Lord and what He wants for me. Happy Sunday, friend! :)

  5. a prayer chain is a nice idea
    pray for my unborn child!

  6. Keeping your request especially close to my heart this week. Love you!

  7. I'm not sure what I was supposed to link up so I just put in my home page!! I'm praying for you and have written down all the requests! I ask for prayer for financial healing for our family. God has and continues to provide for us but we are a long ways off and still have to scrape ourselves to get through each month. We have two boys and want to set an example for them. We pray that God allows us to see opportunity to clear debt faster and areas where we can save money better! We praise God for His unfailing faithfulness!! Amen!
