Friday, February 22, 2013

Prayer Chain

A few days ago, I texted one of my best blog friends seeking some prayer. I had really felt like I needed prayer over a particular area of my life, so I reached out to Melissa knowing that she would be fully willing and excited to pray for me. 

I am constantly amazed by the friendships God brings into my life to help me grow stronger in my walk with Him. Melissa is absolutely one of those friends. 

And little did I know, God had more in store for our friendship :)

Please ignore my typos, clearly I was just TOO darn excited to pay attention to my quick fingers.

Within a few more texts and e-mails, we were ready to bring Melissa's idea to life, and the Prayer Chain idea was born. 

Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray.
Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing praises. 
Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them 
pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. 

James 5: 13-14

Our vision:

We both have felt it placed upon our hearts to create a weekly link up where bloggers can come together to form a prayer network. 

Going through a rough time? We would love to pray for you. 

Seeing God work in wonderful ways in your life? We would love to praise the Lord with you. 

Feeling as though you need God's counsel? We want to ask God to lead you. 

Struggling with sin? We want to pray for you. 

How can you get involved?

The Prayer Chain link up will take place every Sunday, starting March 3rd. 

Come, join us and share your heart. Prepare a post with some prayer requests. Or let us know what praises you have for your week. 

We want to know how God is moving in your life. And how we can be praying for you in your walk with Jesus. 

And while you're here linking up? We ask that you find one fellow blogger that you can commit to praying for through out your week. 

Feeling led to pray for more than one person? Please do!

Melissa and I will commit to praying for each and every person that links up. So please come back and keep us updated on your requests and praises!

We are so excited, and most definitely feel the Lord's hand in this. So please do spread the word, and come back on March 3rd with your requests for our first link up!

Sweet Home Santa Barbara
Happy Friday, friends!


  1. hands down---fantastic idea!
    I will definitely do my best to participate {reminding myself to blog on the weekends will be interesting! ha}
    Seriously, this will bless so many people!

  2. What a great idea!! I love it!!

  3. I LOVE this idea! I am definitely on board.

  4. I teared up reading this, I am incredibly excited to see how God uses this!! Love you girl!!!

  5. LOVE THIS -- beautiful idea.


  6. Seriously awesome, friend! Proud of ya'll!!

  7. Ah, this is so exciting! This is such a wonderful link-up party you've created! And one that is definitely going to be such an encouragement and wonderful support system to all who participate. I'm going to have to start my post now! :)

  8. Seriously, this is awesome. Very very excited. Great idea! :)

  9. This is such a great idea. Glad you are doing this, girl! :)

  10. Wonderful idea! My friend Melissa suggested I visit your site when I asked her for prayer just today. I will definitely be back to participate in this link-up. :-)
