Monday, February 25, 2013

Girl Behind the Blog Vlog!

Hayy friends! It's that time of the month again, Girl Behind the Blog link up time!

{My fav}

I prepared a lovely vlog for you all today. Complete with the very fashionable "I just left the gym and have not done a thing to fix myself" look. 

You guys don't mind, right? 

Oh, and also, I should probably learn to count. This would definitely be the 4th time I've linked up, not 3rd. Whoops!


I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! I spent mine at a women's conference down south in Ventura. 

It was ahhhmazing. I swear, God always nails it with these things, doesn't he? Can't wait to recap more tomorrow :)

How was your weekend?


  1. When I saw your status on FB about finishing reading through the Bible I was so excited for you! There is something so powerful about really diving IN to His word. :)

  2. Thanks for the encouragement to really dig deep into the Word. It is something I struggle to do on a regular basis and this was a great reminder!

  3. I love your advocacy for the word! Maybe it's time I read the Bible in a year!

  4. So since you are in your workout clothes I don't feel so awkward telling you - you have very nice shoulders. Ok still awkward, but you do. I think next year I'll be doing the bible in a year. I've always wanted to. The word just proves itself. It's just amazing. I love your passion & joy for His word!!!

  5. 4 vlogs! Thats awesome! I'm glad you like the vlogging.. I always think it's so super fun. Congrats on completing the bible in a year (or 14 months ;-) ) challenge! This is something I so so want to do.

  6. You're so good at vlogging. I tried... I'm awkward.

  7. YES. I love that you set this goal and finished it! And it's so true- transformation is through the Spirit and we learn more about God and the Spirit speaks to us through the Word.

    And you are way cute in your gym clothes, btw. I wish I looked that awesome when I work out!

  8. That is such an awesome goal! I would love to try that. You're an awesome vlogger!

  9. i love how passionate you are about reading His word. It's so full of truth and does point out so many wonderful things about ourselves and where He wants us to be. So glad to have found your blog!

  10. Loved this vlog! I really need to make one now.

    And I know I say this all the time, but I really love your passion for Him and His word! It's impossible not to feel encouraged and inspired to pursue Him after reading your blog (and watching your vlogs!).

    Oh, and you look so cute. Definitely better looking than when I'm done working out! :)

  11. Hey Amy! Linked up after you on Girl Behind the Blog, so stopping by to say hello for the first time today. You are so sweet! I LOVE your passion for the Word of God. AMEN to being changed, not on our own will, but only by HIS Word & His grace! So nice to meet you :) blessings xo, lauren

  12. it's almost like Jesus knew i needed somebody i knew to be all, "ANNIE. READ YOUR BIBLE." even though they didn't know they were being all, "ANNIE. READ YOUR BIBLE." because that's been lacking a lot lately.

    so imma go handle that now. :] love you!

  13. I so agree with Annie's comment!! This afternoon I rode the bike around the neighborhood, just enjoying the fresh air and some time with Jesus. I really felt this hunger for the Word come again, and it definitely was sparked after watching this video. I feel motivated + encouraged by this! YAY!

  14. I LOVE that you didnt change after working out haha! Getting in that habit these past few weeks has meant I often look the same ;)
    You look beautiful for having just worked out btw ;)
    You are precious friend! Your love for Jesus shines through!! =) So blessed by you and thankful we met :)
    Much Love!!!
