Thursday, January 24, 2013

You know you live in Southern California when...

You wake up to pouring rain, and legitimately think to yourself "Does this mean I don't have to go to work today?"

Once you realize that you do in fact, have to go to work today, you start brainstorming what necessities you will be needing to face the situation ahead. 

As if preparing to brave a hurricane, or something.

Instead of Snow Days growing up, you had Fire Days. 

The greatest Natural Disaster that you've lived through was that one time you thought you felt an earthquake.

When watching this video, instead of laughing, you sympathize for Los Angeles:

Okay, maybe I laughed a little too.

Happy Thursday, friends!


  1. I am such a south florida girl I am a WIMP when it gets cold here in Alabama and refuse to spend any time in it unless I'm hunting or taking Anna Belle out to go potty!

  2. Love the NE earthquake one! As a Texan, I identify with all of these. The only times they cancelled school was during hurricane season when it flooded. No snow days down here!

  3. LOL- happy Thursday to you girl!! I wish I lived in SoCal!! It's curently 18 degrees in Ohio and I am so envious of you!!!

  4. Bahahaha! That news clip had me laughing so hard. I can't wait for my snow-loving-husband to see it. He will die laughing! It's mostly funny because I totally act that way. I mean, we live in TN so it does snow here and it gets cold in the winter (for about 6 weeks), but it bounces back and forth (20s/30s to 50s the next day like this week). So it seldom really gets SUPER cold here. But man, as soon as it drops below 75 I act like I am going to freeze to death. :P Thankfully, it's warm here 10 months out of the year. ;)

  5. Hahaha I am laughing so hard, this is VERY true for us Californians :)

  6. lol... that video is hilarious. And of course I am guilty of acting the same way.

  7. Growing up in drought ridden Melbourne it was basically the same.. When I went to Europe Mum had to send my money for a coat and gloves because I didn't own any! I never realised hats and scarves served any purpose past fashion.. So I can totally sympathise with you guys when the temperature drops that low!
    And like you, our big threat has always been bush fires, which are raging across south east Aus at the moment :(

  8. i only wish rain meant i didn't have to go to work. there were days during college when it just poured (THANK YOU LAKE EFFECT.) and i just dreaded leaving my apartment. we never got days off due to snow either because we spent almost half the year buried in it. that's what i get for staying in state for university! haha
