Friday, January 25, 2013

Girl Behind the Blog - Coffee Date

Okay, first off: Happy Friday!!

Yay for the weekend!!

Today, I'm linking up with 5ohWifey and Rags to Stitches for The Girl Behind the Blog series. It's probably my favorite link up, as I get to see everyone's beautiful faces!! Way to brighten my Friday morning, ladies!! ;)

Without further adieu, here's my lovely vlog:

Oh wait, disclaimer: I apologize in advance for the shaky hands, and does anyone know how to make a YouTube video bigger on your blog? 

5ohWifey came to the rescue as far as the video size goes :)

Okay, now we're ready:

Have a wonderful Friday and weekend, my friends!



  1. So cute! Your totally write about 'finding your blog voice' and what do you want to be known for. It is an encouragement to meet ladies like you who are passionately seeking His face and His will for your life. It helps people like who tend to waver and be unsteady be more determined and rock solid in my faith. When you connect with someone else with faith, you know your not alone and that means A LOT.

  2. Aww, I love the short hair on you! It's super cute. :) Hooray for being off work today, friend! I am too which means I am definitely still in my PJs right now, haha!

    I know I say this all the time, but I love that you are so open about your faith and where you've come from and where you are now. It's a testimony to God's grace for sure and certain! :)

  3. Loved your video, glad I found you :) I agree--blogging has been so encouraging to me as a Christian. It's so good to talk to other gals who love the Lord

  4. I can't watch because I'm in my office but based on the thumbnail, your hair looks AWESOME. I will watch later! :)

  5. Oh I love the new hair! And the video in general, I love when people vlog, it feels like you get to know them so much better than just trough their words!

  6. Your hair looks so cute! You are such a natural at this vlogging thing. And PS this is how you change the youtube video size (I always just add 200 to whatever the standard demensions are)

  7. LOVE! You are so cute! And genuine. Great vlog!

  8. Love this video and love you! I'm so so glad you found your blogging voice and passion this past year and that I got to be even a small part of it. Thanks (as usual) for being an encouragement to grow in my faith every time I read your blog! :)

  9. GIRL! Your vlog is so sweet and genuine. I'm so sure that your words will impact other bloggers to be confident in their voice and speak out. Seriously - soooo good! And I love the haircut. It's my first time here so I never knew it before but it looks great! xoxo

  10. AMYYYYYY! hi. :] i love your hair! i don't think i realized you had gotten it cut. (i haven't read blogs in what feels like half a year.)

    i feel like i've been reading your blog forever. i can't believe you've only been blogging for 18 months!

    i've loved seeing you grow into your voice and heart for Jesus on your blog! i love walking life with you this way and being encouraged by your voice & story. love you, lady!

    ps. i'm jealous you didn't have to work today! today was my first day back to work after my trip to TX and within two hours i got hollered at in front of a whole group of people by an angry customer. so that was fun. NOT. haha. we need ourselves a skype date soon, yes?

  11. I loved hearing about how you discovered your blogging voice! I feel like I was the same way in the beginning--constantly trying to please others/gain readers through my posts instead of trying to please and honor Him. It's amazing how much more rewarding and life-changing blogging for Him is, right?

    p.s. Seeing your haircut "in-person" is even cuter than in photos! :)

  12. Ok, seriously you are adorable and I'm so happy to see you:) your hair looks amazing!! I loved hearing your story! You are the cutest, most up beat little lady! I love it Amy!!
