Monday, September 17, 2012


And exhaustedddd.

But exhausted in a I just had one of those much-needed amazing weekends kind of ways, so I'll take it!

I plan to write a post with, at the very least, my favorite story from the weekend (possibly my most incredible God encounter yet!), but for now my body is begging for sleep

I will say, though, that my boot did fabulously, and the crutches were barely used as a result. Plus atleast 15 points for the boot. 

Oh, and I did update my Books page, since I was able to have an extremely necessary catch up sesh in that department during all of the traveling. 

I finished both The Hiding Place and Perks of Being a Wallflower, and got to start my Book Club book for this month, Little Bee

{I'll be starting The Fault in our Stars for Blogger Book Club next. With the Boot's required rest, I may just be able to finish all these books this month. Plus another 5 points, Boot.}

If you haven't read The Hiding Place, I highly, highly recommend it! It's a true story written by Corrie ten Boom of her experience hiding Jews during the Holocaust. Such a good book, and if you're looking to grow in your faith, this book will definitely help you out there. 

I'll be honest, I was a little surprised with Perks of Being a Wallflower. I definitely liked it, but I will say that it wasn't what I expected in some ways. I don't want to ruin anything for anyone who hasn't read it, but e-mail me if you've read the book and want to chat about it! Maybe I shouldn't have watched the preview first? Ha. 

Regardless, the book has hands down some of the best quotes. 

And of course:

Aaand now I can officially go see the movie! {I may or may not have watched the trailer 50+ times}

Has anyone read Little Bee? Just started that one, and I've heard mixed results!

Catching up on some reading was definitely in the Dr.'s prescription for me, and it felt good. Just like this amazing night's worth of sleep will. 

Aaaamen. Goodnight loves!


  1. Can't wait to hear all about what God was doing in your life over the weekend! And I'm so excited for Perks, but feel like I need to re-read the book one more time! It's definitely an interesting read though– like you said, not what you'd expect!

  2. Ah amazing work with the reading, I can't wait to read 'the perks of being a wall flower' it's been on my list for ages. Very impressed about the boot!

  3. I can't wait to read it! The movie looks like it will be good too. Glad you had fun in Boston!

  4. yay for lots of reading! can't wait to hear all about your weekend. I had a feeling you wouldn't need the crutches much at all!

  5. So excited to hear about your God filled weekend!! Glad you are getting some much needed rest now. :) Oh! And I loved The Hiding Place when I read it in high school. Such a powerful book!
