Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Happy Birthday Michelle!

This girl is 22 today!

But instead of celebrating being 22, she wants to celebrate the one year anniversary of her 21st birthday. 

And because her 21st birthday was pretty awesome, I'm okay with that.

So here are the pictures from one year ago today, when we celebrated baby Michelle being able to legally drink:

We had a Red, White & Blue themed party to celebrate the night before (get it? President's Day!)

Then, the next day, we surprised her by taking her downtown for some wine tasting and bar hopping:

It was seriously one of the most fun days from my senior year, and I'm so glad that I got to help her celebrate!

Happy Birthday, Michelle! I hope your 22nd is even better than your 21st!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Michelle!

    Those ginormous drinks are hilarious! Great fun pics!!
