Monday, February 20, 2012

Fit Club Update!

Is it just me, or does adding an extra day to the weekend make it feel sooo much longer? I seriously had the best, most relaxing weekend. And I needed it! I'm sure I'll do a weekend recap later this week. For now, we'll focus on Monday's Fit Club Update!

Made it to the gym 6 times this week! + 15 (give or take) miles of biking and a hike!

Working out has really become a big part of my life these days, and I am so happy that it's finally becoming a routine. Today, I thought I would share some pictures of our Sunday morning hike to a Butterfly Reserve, and my running routine.

I usually spend 30-35 minutes on the treadmill, and I've been doing the same routine for a few weeks now. I'll run on the treadmill on the days that I don't do a class, so usually around 2-3 times a week. It seems to be working out for me, so I thought I'd share:

First 10 minutes: Run at 6.8 mph
Minutes 10-12: Walk at 4.4 mph
Minutes 13-20: Run at 6.9 mph
Minutes 20-22: Walk at 4.4 mph
Minutes 22-30: Run at 7.0 mph
Minutes 30+: Walk at 4.0 mph

It helps me to break up the running portions with some breathers, and I usually end up running a total of around 3.5 miles. Not too shabby for a non-runner like me!

And now for the pictures from our gorgeous hike:

Can you spot all of the butterflies?!

And this is what you get when two homeless men offer to take your picture:

But when they offered to share their picnic with us, we had to politely decline. I do have to admit that the guy takes good pictures!

And now, moving on to the healthy eating portion of my goals. I would definitely have to say that I did not stick to this as well as I should (Hey, I was single on Valentine's Day. Don't I deserve to indulge in chocolates?) But I will post some pictures of my healthier meals this week:

I have a new obsession with avocados. I never liked them until just a few months ago, and now I love them. When I go out to eat now, I almost always get something with avocado in it. I made this avocado/feta cheese omelette a few mornings this past week, and it was really good! I put a little lime juice on the avocados and it was deelicious.

I usually keep lunch pretty simple, and these MilkBite granola bars are a new favorite! I saw them at the grocery store a few weeks ago, and just had to get them. Eating one granola bar is equivalent to drinking a glass of milk, and these bars are good. I went through the peanut butter ones pretty quickly, and have already gotten a new box of oatmeal raisin (which is just as good!).

This was the dinner that I made last week, and I actually think I liked the salad more than the pasta! And this is coming from a girl who looves her carbs. I thought I'd share both recipes though, because the pasta was definitely enjoyed as well. 

That's all for today, folks. Hope everyone enjoyed their weekends as much as I did!


  1. Great post! I hope to one day run as well and fast as you do.
    I too LOVE avocado's, yum.
    Thanks for sharing the recipes!

  2. Great job at the gym, breaking up your runs like that is smart! You make me so wish I lived my a beach and that omelet looks so good, I super heart love avocado!

  3. awesome job with the exercise!
    i have to agree with you on the long much extra time!!

  4. It's not just you...I actually had a 4 day weekend, and I felt like I was on a super vacation. :-) And those milk bars looks interesting, I've never seen them, I'll have to be on the lookout.
