Friday, December 11, 2015

The Day He Asked

On October 10th, 2015, a long-time dream of a man getting on one knee and asking me to be forever his came true. Years of dreaming about who this man would be (and wondering if he would be), followed my months of anticipation and wondering when the event would take place, all were met with a moment that surpassed anything I could have hoped for. 

And not because it was perfect by the book, but because it was perfect for us. My sour mood earlier in the day didn't subtract even the tiniest bit from the magic that unfolded as my sweet PJ got on his knee in the middle of a sandy shore, and held out the prettiest ring I ever did see. 

I think that was one of the biggest lessons I learned in the months leading up to our proposal. I felt this bizarre pressure to make it perfect, like if I said the wrong thing or woke up in a bad mood, then the moment would forever be tarnished. 

Welp, I did wake up in a bad mood. And that mood wasn't improved when we walked into Starbucks & I ordered my favorite breakfast, only to find they were out. Out! (Gasp, how-dare-they.) 

I thought something like that would damper our proposal story, but it turns out, it adds to it. Because as I reflect on that car ride to the Capitola Beach coast, the one where I was trying to put my big-girl-pants on & muster up a good mood for the remainder of the day, the one where the gloomy sky turned into a gorgeous, sunshiny one in a tangible reflection of God redeeming the day, I think about my sweet fiance sitting in the driver's seat, smiling knowing that regardless of the mood of the girl sitting beside him, he wanted to propose to her that day. 

And propose, he did. ;) 

That man who has every bit of my heart said some of the sweetest words, of which we only remember about half ;), got on his knee, and asked me to be forever his. The biggest question he'd ever asked, was met with the easiest YES I've ever said. 

After a few moments of embracing & beginning to process what had just happened, he pointed out my dear friend Michelle who had so sweetly captured the entire moment. 

I am so grateful for the pictures from this day. The moment passes so quickly, and is every bit as surreal as it is magical. It has been so nice to look back on these photos, and relive the moment that so tangibly altered the course of our lives. The moment when I got to say yes to being the wife of the best man I've ever known. 

Gah, it still gives me chills. ;) 

My sweet PJ, I love you so much. I daily learn how to love well by watching your example. You serve those around you, putting other's needs above your own without a second thought. You are kind, and considerate. You are hilarious, and so. darn. handsome. You are a better dancer than me, even though I fight you on that. You make life fun, and you romance me & make me feel like the luckiest girl alive. 

I could never adequately thank you for choosing me to spend your life with. 

I am so, crazy excited to be your wife. 


  1. Gosh, these photos are adorable, Amy! :) I am SO happy for you guys (and so excited to hear more about your wedding plans!)! I also love that his proposal was perfectly imperfect--it reminds me of my cousin who refused to change into something nice when her boyfriend took her on a date to her favorite park (little did she know it was to propose)... So she's wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt in their proposal pictures! :P

  2. I love those pictures! They are so special. I too was crabby in the morning my fiancé proposed. I was whining and not in the best mood. Ha at least these men love us through it all :)

  3. Congratulations!!! What a sweet proposal story. So happy for you- God is SO good! (This story is so encouraging to me as a single woman- it's stories like yours that truly encourage me!)

    xoxo A

  4. oh my! Amy, this made me cry big tears sitting at my desk this morning. I LOVE your story and how God's grace filters perfectly into it. Isn't it just like our good God to show your His glory in all circumstances?!?!

    I am so excited for you to be marrying the man of your dreams. He is a lucky man, and I figure you are just as lucky as he is. He must be a pretty intelligent guy to have chosen you!

    I pray for His hand on your marriage, and that His truth is always revealed. I pray that you fight with (alongside) and for each other, not against and because of each other. I cannot wait to hear more of God's hand on your lives and marriage!

    Lee Ann
