Wednesday, April 9, 2014

That time I went to Catalyst

Last week, I had the amazing opportunity to go to the Catalyst West Coast Conference down in Orange County. The fact that I was even there was just such a God thing; I had been planning on going to Hope Spoken {which I hope to go to in the future!}, until just a matter of months before plans were switched around. 

I can't even begin to dive into everything I felt / learned / experienced / enjoyed at this conference. There was just so much good stuff. I was blessed by speaker after speaker just laying down the Word of God, and there's nothing quite like worshiping in a room full of 3,000+ people. 

Since I have yet to digest even just day 1 fully {and it's almost a week later}, today I give you some of the messages and moments that spoke to me the most. Along with lots and lots of pictures.

"God calls us to have a voice not for a million things, but a few things that are very important." - Dr. Henry Cloud

"When we live outside our comfort zone, that's when we'll actually need the Comforter." - Bob Goff

"Instead of seeking to be known, seek to know and bless others." - Lysa Terkeurst

Getting to meet the incredible couple behind Hope Heals

"Great leaders would never sacrifice people to save the numbers, they would sacrifice the numbers to save the people." - Simon Sinek

Praying over Phil Wickham. {Hands down one of the most powerful moments.}

"Stop worshiping achievement, and worship the Lord. Jesus didn't die for my works; He died for my righteousness." - Francis Chan

"If I am vertically reconciled to God, I must be horizontally reconciled to others." - Bryan Loritts

"A career is something you are paid to do. A calling is something you are made to do." - Robert Madu

The pleasant surprise of Shauna Niequist speaking. 
{Bittersweet wrecked me in the best possible way.}

I have no words for Christine Caine's message. I literally did not take a single note. By this point in the conference, all I could do was nod with a passionate heart and a fired up "Amen!"

Amazing, ya'll. Just amazing. I feel so blessed to have been able to experience this with the amazing church family that I'm so thankful to call my own. 

Happy humpday, loves!


  1. Just this post alone was so much to process, so I can't imagine actually being there! So glad you got to be blessed with such an amazing conference. And I totally hope to see you at Hope Spoken some day when I finally get to go too :)

  2. Seeing those names of speakers - i KNOW you heard some amazing talks! I love what you said about Chris Caine - she is SUCH a great speaker. So inspiring! Glad you got to go and enjoy Catalyst, I was at work wishing I could've gone too!

  3. So jealous! I am planning on going to a Joyce Meyers conference in September. But I want to find one for this summer! So cool, I am glad you shared :)
