Tuesday, April 22, 2014

A Very Merry Easter

This Easter was so, so good. I really couldn't have asked for a better, more full weekend. 

I spent Good Friday evening in the Santa Barbara High School theater, although I'm fairly certain I was actually up in heaven. That's certainly how it felt, anyway. The message was short, and sweet. A reading from the Bible depicting exactly what happened on that cross for us so long ago, and then the simple words were stated: "let it wreck you." 

Our lives are so busy, so full. The moments where we can simply sit and be wrecked by the love that is Jesus? I live for those moments. Those moments are the ones that change your life. 

I knelt on that prayer carpet, and I'll admit, I didn't feel much at first. Is it weird that I can honestly say I praise Him in those moments? Why? Because there was a time when I could only worship when I felt the emotional build up. And I'm thankful that now, I've come to find that worship, like love, is a choice. Sometimes there's emotion, but sometimes, there's not. Emotion doesn't have to correspond with worship, though. It isn't a requirement. 

But on this momentous occasion, I wanted to do exactly what was humbly suggested. I wanted to be wrecked by the cross. So I prayed, "Lord, let me be moved."

I stood up to get communion, and looked around the room. I saw one roommate standing, arms out stretched to the Lord. I saw another roommate kneeling before Him on the carpet up front. Beside her on one side, a dear friend's husband. On the other side, another close friend who I've had the privilege and blessing of watching transform before my very eyes in these last few months. Walking past me was a couple who I adore, the husband holding his sweet 2 month old baby girl who I practically beg to hold each opportunity that I can. 

Right when it was my turn to get communion, the tears came. The memories came. I remembered less than two and a half years ago, standing in this very church body and knowing two people. Two. I remembered the desperation I felt as I begged the Lord to help me really, truly surrender my life to Him. 

The gravity of what He's done in the past two and a half years hit me as I looked around at my surroundings, looked at this life He's crafted for me. He really did give me new life on that day. And as I took of the bread and the juice, I remembered that His life is what did it. 

Easter morning was spent in another local high school theater, this time Dos Pueblos. {sidenote: I think God may be doing something in our high schools.

I celebrated with the church family that I never would have met, had the Lord not opened my eyes to a path I couldn't have imagined for myself. I cried during the baptisms, praising Him for all He is doing in these California coast lands, and in this church. I nodded along side the powerful message about the importance of letting go of the things we hold onto instead of God. And I laughed and danced to this video that captures the joy in this church family. {Bonus points if you find me.}

And after a morning full of some serious Jesus, I enjoyed the rest of the gorgeous day with some spiffed up friends for an Easter brunch. 

There was some seriously amazing homemade food {yes, even that gorgeous fruit tart!}, and lots of fun lawn games to be enjoyed. 

I missed my family at home, but am so thankful for this home away from home that I've been blessed with. 

Hope your Easter was full of all good things, too!


  1. ah love your dress pretty lady! It looks like you had a fantastic Easter :)

  2. Looks like you had an amazing Easter!
    I really like what you said about the emotion in worship. That is something I didn't think of and that I do at times too. It's something I should be praying on - thanks!
    BTW i LOVE your shoes!!!

  3. Sounds like an amazing weekend! Isn't it amazing what the Lord can do in our hearts in just a single second? Constantly amazed by His power!
