Thursday, February 27, 2014

Rainbows & Butterflies

You ever wake up, and just think "nooope"? That happened to me yesterday, must have been some sort of humpday funk. What started as simply not wanting to get out of bed spiraled into all sorts of negativity. Fun stuff, huh?

I dragged myself out of bed after hitting more snooze alarms than I'd care to admit, threw an outfit together, debated putting make up on, decided against it, and went on my way. There may or may not have been multiple moments of getting on my knees to ask Jesus for help getting my spunk back. 

The second I walked out of my apartment complex, I saw it. A gorgeous, bright pink sky, perfectly painted from top to bottom. My whoppin' 7 minute commute was spent smirking at the Lord thinking "You would God, you would." 

I pulled into my work parking lot, and prepared to muster up ever ounce of joy in my lackluster system. I gathered my things together, stepped out of my car, and glanced over my shoulder. Still in awe of the gorgeous sunrise, this most definitely made my jaw drop. 

Excuse the poor photo quality, and the fact that my work backs up to telephone poles and autoshops, and direct your attention to the huge. giant. rainbow. 

Ya'll: It wasn't even raining. 

"I have placed my rainbow in the clouds. 
It is the sign of my covenant with you, 
and with all the earth."

 Genesis 9:13

Our God is an awesome God, alright. You best believe I found my joy when I saw that rainbow. 


  1. He is so faithful, and pursues us so well! I love the picture!

  2. How beautiful! Yes, He often reminds us of His love even when we're stumbling around, doesn't He? Glory to Him! Thanks so much for sharing.

  3. So beautiful & love the reminder to go to God when things are just feeling so blah
