Monday, January 6, 2014

2014 Bucket List

Last year, I chucked resolutions out the window, and put together a 2013 Bucket List instead. I loved checking up on my progress, even when I wasn't doing super hot with some of those goals. I've been thinking and praying over this year's list, and I'm excited to share it with you. 

Without further adieu:

2014 Bucket List

One // Go through the Our Daily Bread Daily Devotional Bible. 

I got this bible last year, but wanted to wait for the start of the year to go through the Daily Devotional portion. Really excited to finally start!

Two // Go out of the country. 

This one rolled over from last year. Something tells me it'll be crossed off soon. ;)

Three // Read 20 books. 

Last year, I came up pretty short on my reading goal. In the last month, I've really fallen in love with it all over again, and I'm feeling good about getting 20 good reads in this year. 

Four // Invest in a good camera. 

Shh. Don't tell my iPhone.

Five // Send one piece of snail mail each month. 

Confession: I am the worst at getting things in the mail. I am the queen of mailing birthday presents late, letters late, everything late. I'll manage to have what ever I'm mailing sitting in my house or my car for weeks before getting to the post office. 

So, this is on the Bucket List to challenge me. One piece of snail mail per month. Packages count, letters count, post cards count. Just gotta get myself in the habit of getting to that post office {on time}.

Six // Be in a wedding for the first time. 

This will be crossed off in May! :)

Seven // Run one half marathon. 

I know if I don't do it, I'll lose the ability to. So I'm going to make a goal of running at least one half marathon a year. Who wants to run one with me? 

Eight // Put 10% of each paycheck into savings. 

Last year, I had the goal to double my savings. That didn't go so well, though I did pay off my credit card!

This year, I'm making the goal more specific. Going to try putting 10% of every paycheck straight into savings. Wish me luck!

Nine // Host 3 dinner parties. 

Having just moved into a brand new place with a beautiful kitchen, I feel obligated to make use of it. I'm excited to invite people into our home! 

Ten // Take a Reed Sister VayCay part 2. 

This was such a hit last year, that it needs to become a yearly tradition.

Eleven // Do something special one on one with Mom, Dad & Mike. 

Because my sister isn't the only one in my family, ha. 

Twelve // Go whale watching.

I've always wanted to do this, so 2014 is the year to get er done. 

 Thirteen // Cross off one state.

For the 50 State Challenge. Who wants a visitor?

 Fourteen // Spend one day a week social media free.

I'm sure this won't be easy, but I really want to put the cell phone down more this year. So once a week, I'll do just that. 


There you have it! 14 things to cross off in 2014. 

Did you make any new year's resolutions or goals? Would love to hear them!


  1. Oh my gosh, those are really good ones! No doubt you will ace it this year. :)

  2. Love this girlfran!!

    I Live in MD so you are welcome any day of the week to come visit me! =D

    These sound a lot like my goals. Like the letter one, savings one :)

  3. These sound like awesome goals. :-) I can't wait to read your progress posts on these.

  4. You can definitely accomplish all of these goals!!! Can't wait to see how your dinner parties turn out! :)

  5. You can send me mail. And come visit me. You need to visit the best Southern state there is. :)


  6. Love this!! Good luck at accomplishing it all :) I know you can do it!

    xo, gina

  7. Email me back with your address :) snail mail is on my "to do" list this year too!!

  8. great goals ms. amy. one i would love you as a visitor, but of course you know that. and two, staying away from social media at least one day is great. i've done saturdays in the past, and what has helped is actually logging out of my apps. sometimes i just mindlessly go through IG or twitter for the twentieth time, so logging out forces me to log back in if i want to. and that gets me to put the phone down. also whale watching, that'd be amazing!

  9. Wonderful goals! I love getting snail mail. ;) Hahaha I think being intentional and sending mail is a great goal for myself too.

  10. Amy! What is your address?! I will send you some note cards so you have no excuss not to follow through with your snail mail goal! You can email it to


  11. These are so exciting! I love all of them - it definitely makes me want to create a list of my own :) Come on out to Nashville, girl!

  12. This is a great list!! I hope you accomplished everything. Great to come across a girl who reads! I need to do that more
