Friday, December 6, 2013

Perfect Foods Bar {Review & Giveaway!}

If you follow me on any sort of social media, you probably already know that I have an obsession with Perfect Foods Bars

I have loved these bars for a long time now, and I'm super excited to be partnering with them for a giveaway! Before we get to that, allow me to tell you why I love these delicious things. 

One // I understand all of the ingredients. Yes, all. This is big for me, because how many bars these days claim to be healthy, but you can't understand a single thing that's in them? I'm not saying those ingredients are unhealthy, because how would I know if I don't know what they are? 

In Perfects Foods Bars, I know what each of the ingredients are. I see that they use organic products, and I can verify that there really are no artificial ingredients, no preservatives, and no refined sugars. Major win in my book. 

Two // There's an average of 15g of protein in each bar. All flavors have between 10 and 18g, and for a vegetarian like me, that's huge! Since giving up meat, I've been much more conscious of making sure I get enough protein through out the day. I actually think I eat more protein now than when I was eating meat, because I never thought about it before!

These bars are great for helping me to get that daily dose in. 

Three // The size! Most "meal bars" are way too small for me. Just keeping it real here, I'll usually eat a bar and get hungry within a few hours. Perfect Foods Bars are big, and dense! I love it, because they really can be a meal replacement. I not only eat them for breakfast (like, every day), but I've also had them for dinner before. Having a busy schedule, sometimes I have to just grab a bar on the go. The fact that I can have a bar for dinner, and be good for the rest of the evening? I'm a girl who is always hungry, so that's really saying something!

Four // The flavor. These bars are gooood. If you're a peanut butter lover like me, you will be just as obsessed as I am. I've tried every flavor, and just when I think I have a favorite, I get hooked on a new one! They're all amazing. 

Also, I've been having them almost every day for months now. Still haven't gotten sick of them. 

Five // Perfect Foods Bar is a family business, that's located right in my home town of San Diego. So basically, that makes me family too, right?  I'm definitely down to support a local company, and it's not hard to support them when I'm such a big fan of their product. 

I could probably go on and on, but instead, I want to give you the chance to try them for yourself! Perfect Foods Bar was kind enough to send me a sample pack, and they want to send you one, too!

One lucky winner will have their own sample pack shipped directly to their house, and I can't wait to gush over how amazing these bars are once they arrive!

Good luck! And Happy Friday!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I don't have instagram. Do i still have a chance of winning a sample? i really want to try it. You make it sound so good.

  2. My mouth waters at the look at those bars. I never tried them before. If I don't win, I'll ask my dad if he can buy us some. Where do they sell them at?
