Saturday, December 28, 2013

2013 Bucket List - Recap

I feel like just yesterday, I was sitting in this exact same bed in my parents' house writing this bucket list. I can't believe how fast this year came and went. It certainly was a good one. 

You can expect a lot of sentimental-ish posts in the next few weeks. Recapping the bucket list, 2013 year in review, my 2014 letter to myself, a 2014 bucket list, and who knows what else will come out of my sleeve. The truth is, I live for the sentimental stuff. It's kind of my favorite, getting all sappy, taking those sweet walks down memory lane. Because with those walks down memory lane, you can't help but venture into a dream of what 2014 will look like. 

And 2014, I've got a good feeling about you. 

But let's not get ahead of ourselves now. 


2013 bucket list:
1. Run at least 3 races (any distance 5K or more)

-10K Coronado Valentine's Day Race: Feb 17th / DONE! 54 min, 8:30 mile pace

-5K Los Angeles Run or Dye: March 9th / DONE!

-15K San Diego Hot Chocolate Race: March 24th / DONE! 1hr 26min, 9:14 pace

-Santa Barbara Wine Country Half Marathon: May 11th / DONE! 2hr 3min, 9:18 pace

-5K Nite Moves: May 15th / DONE!

-5K Nite Moves: July 10th / DONE!

-5K Bubble Run: September 7th / DONE!

-10K She.Is.Beautiful Run: September 22nd / DONE!

-City to Sea Half Marathon: October 13th / DONE! 2hr 7min, 9:41 pace


I think it's safe to say that this one was most definitely a success. I've never run so much in my entire life, and boom. It just kind of happened. 

I love that each race was a huge spiritual experience for me. Running that first 10K for sweet Daisy Love who had just passed away was incredibly moving. And each race that was farther felt like a challenge that I wasn't sure my legs could handle. I felt myself relying on the Lord to get through the last leg of each race, and I loved that feeling. 


2. Read 30 books

1. Life of Pi by Yann Martel

2. Strength in Weakness by Andrew Comiskey

3. The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin

4. A Confident Heart by Renee Swope

5. The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton

6. The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls

7. Life Without Limits by Nick Vujicic 

8. The Insatiable Quest for Beauty by Tiffany Dawn

9. Pure by Rebecca St. James

10. Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller

In progress:

1. Bittersweet by Shauna Niequist

2. The Meaning of Marriage by Timothy Keller

3. Sex Is Not The Problem, Lust Is by Joshua Harris


This one was not as much of a success. I have to be honest, and say that reading just didn't take priority this year. And that's okay. Bible studies took priority, small groups took priority, blogging took priority, working out took priority, and let's keep it real: catching up on my favorite tv shows took priority.

I've always been more of a one-book-at-a-time kinda girl, and this year, that totally changed. I think it came from reading different books with different people, and having my own going at the same time, but all of a sudden I'm finding myself with three books sitting by my bed. 

Things seem to be changing in the last few weeks, and I can feel reading slipping back up on the priority scale. I'm looking forward to getting plenty of good reads in in 2014. 


3. Get passport

Done, done and done. 


4. Travel outside of the country (preferably missions related)

So this wasn't crossed off, but it will a mere 8 days into the new year. Totally counts, right? 

{Africa, here I come}


5. Cross off at least 2 states

Indianapolis, Indiana: Influence Conference!

Chicago, Illinois: Trip with Annie!

Loved both of these states! Probably because of the amazing company that was had in both. I have to say that I liked Indianapolis better than Chicago, but I would love to visit both again some day. 


6. Meet a blogger friend IRL

May: Met Julie from An Anchor for the Soul (recap here)

September: Met sooo many blog friends at Influence Conference (recap here)

This one was also definitely a success. So thankful for these blogging friends!


7. One spontaneous trip

January: Tahoe!

I would love to do more spontaneous trips in the future. Feeling the urge to go somewhere on a whim? You know who to call. 

8. One random act of kindness per month

I'm so glad this was on my list this year. Every month was different, and it helped me see how many different ways you can perform a random act of kindness. Some were a big deal, it seriously felt like I was hearing the big Man upstairs pointing with a giant red arrow: "HERE IS YOUR RANDOM ACT OF KINDNESS."

Other months? Not such a big deal. I would get to the end of the month and think "dang, did I forget?" Only to think back on the time I offered to pay for a friend's coffee or lunch. Boom, random act of kindness. 

Maybe it's giving a candy bar to a homeless man outside of a grocery store, maybe it's anonymously blessing a friend with something you know she wouldn't buy herself. Maybe it's giving someone a $5, $10, $25 dollar giftcard. 

It doesn't have to be big, all random acts of kindness make a difference.


9. End the year with zero balance on credit card

Revision: Maintain zero balance on credit card

My credit card has a zero balance on it right now. Boom. 

10. Double my savings

Revision: Rebuild my savings

Aaaand here's the whammy. This goal was so not accomplished.

I guess one financial goal out of two isn't too shabby, right? 

{Savings, I'm coming for you in 2014. Don't you worry}

11. Cut and donate my hair

Honestly, as scared as I was to have short hair, I loved it! It's crazy how long it's gotten since I cut it in January. I definitely will be donating again {tempted to add the word soon here}.


12. Take Milissa on a sister weekend getaway

Palm Springs (recap here)

This will definitely be a yearly tradition. 


13. Get a blog makeover!

This was done earlier in the year, and I loved the result! This girl is so great to work with, and considering I'll probably need a new design next year (and I have yet to teach myself), she can probablyyy be expecting an e-mail shortly. :)


Overall, I would say this was a very successful year. I loved having a Bucket List to track to, even if I wasn't always spot on track to accomplishing my goals. I'm looking forward to getting some goals together for 2014!

What are some of your goals for the new year?


  1. what a great idea and how awesome did you do quite a lot crossed off well done!! Your hair was so long - that is great work!!! And your travel out of the country is pretty close I think you should let that one slide ;)

  2. Great job on the bucket list! I hear ya on the "Reading 30 books" one... I made that one from May 2013-May 2014 and it's not going very quickly... at least I still have a few months. Just didn't take priority yet.

  3. Great job on the bucket list! I hear ya on the "Reading 30 books" one... I made that one from May 2013-May 2014 and it's not going very quickly... at least I still have a few months. Just didn't take priority yet.

  4. Loved reading your reflections! They gave me some ideas for my bucket list for 2014. I love the random acts of kindness one! I think I'm going to add that to mine for next year :)

    xo, gina

  5. As an Indianapolis life-long native, it's awesome to hear that people like our lovely city too :)
    Come back and visit sometime!

  6. The truth is, I live for the sentimental stuff too. It's also kind of my favorite, getting all sappy, taking those sweet walks down memory lane!! Hee-hee : D LOVED reading this bucket list! Feeling extra inspired to create one for myself now, especially after choosing my 2014 word! How fun is this blogging thing, I mean really?! So excited to see what great things God has for you in the coming year, Amy! Bring on next year's bucket list, girl!!

  7. I amazed!! Congratulations, you did an amazing job this year. You are an inspiration. There are times i feel like making a resolution but I have no clue as to what. i get all fumbled up. Any ideas?

  8. I love this! It looked like a fun filled year! You're such a good big sister.

  9. These are great bucket list resolutions! Congrats on all those races! You've inspired me to make a goal of atleast 1 5k race, monthly random acts of kindness, and reading atleast 10 books in the next year.

  10. Those were great goals!! I am hoping to donate my hair here pretty soon... :)

  11. Wow I can't believe your trip to Africa is so SOON! That's SOOO exciting!!

  12. you took your running goal and ran with it girl. i got so used to seeing you in a photo with your runner number. go amy!! and really eight days? that's crazy. i'm so excited for you my friend. so, so excited!

  13. This is a totally awesome idea! Making my 2014 list now. Congrats on such a inspiring and successful year, Amy!

  14. Love the idea of taking your sister on a trip. My sister is a youngin too, ten years younger and we don't always get along. But maybe one day we could do this.
