Thursday, October 31, 2013

31days // We Made It!

It's 10:04pm, and I'm typing up this final post for 31 days. I'm simply in awe of God right now. 

I can remember the first moment this idea came to mind, sitting in Annie's car, driving from Indianapolis to Chicago. All weekend long, I had heard incredible women sharing their ideas for 31 days. Zero percent of me thought I was going to participate. 

And then the idea hit: I could write about purity. I got that feeling of my heart igniting on fire, that beautiful tension in my chest that I can only associate with passion from the Holy Spirit. 

But 31 days? Really? Could I seriously write for 31 days about purity? And even if I did, would I still have people reading my blog after that? 

I just knew none of that mattered. I knew it didn't matter if 1 person read these posts or 1 million people did. Because I knew I had to do this for my heart. I knew the Lord was calling me to explore purity, and He was calling me to do that in a public setting on my blog. 

And so, here I am, 31 days after starting this mission. These 31 days consisted of trudging through my past experiences, digging into scripture, pouring out my heart. They were filled with battling temptation, tearing up at the support & encouragement of others, and praying, begging the Lord to guide my words. 

They were filled with so much, and they were just the beginning of my journey to discovering what true purity looks like. What it acts like. What it thinks about. 

My life is transforming, it's transforming every single day. Your's is too, have you noticed?

I want to thank you. Yes, you. You who read each and every post. And you who used social media to encourage me, support me, and ride along in this journey with me. You who prayed over this series. And yes, even you, who stumbled upon this post and are thinking "whaaa?"

You all play a role in my life. You all play a very important part in the beautiful story God is writing right now. I pray that you know that, how important you are to Him. 

It is my prayer that after these 31 days, you feel encouraged in your pursuit of purity. Whatever that looks like right now, I pray that if anything, hearing my story encouraged you that you can move forward in yours. 

I love you. I really, really do. 

Oh, and Happy Halloween!


  1. You made it to 31 days, congratulations! So inspiring!! Happy halloween! :)

  2. I adore you, friend! Your heart, this series, and your passion. I'm so glad God placed it on your heart to do this series, and I know tons of people out there were SO blessed and encouraged by it (including myself!). Can't wait to see what you've got in store next :)

  3. Thank you so much for sharing your story over the past month. You are one amazing woman! Cute pic in the pumpkin patch.

  4. it was a beautiful series amy. i'm so glad you decided to take part in it. i was blessed by it and i know many more were too. what God is doing in your life is amazing and know there are greater things to come to you love. ((hugs))

  5. I love this Amy!! You did such a great job with this series!! I really REALLY must go back and read the posts I missed =) =)
    So PROUD of you friend!!

  6. I love your heart more and more each day. thank you so so much for sharing so openly and honestly with us for these past 31 days. it means so much to me. i'm grateful for you, Amy.


  7. I'm so proud of you for making all 31 days, and for choosing such a personally challenging topic. I love your heart after Jesus's!

  8. Wow thats amazing! I have had a similar experience!

    and whoa pumpkins!

    Congrats on finishing. That is inspirational.

    I am now following your beautiful blog!


  9. I loved reading your posts every day. Whats next?? Haha just kidding :)

  10. such a fun photo- happy fall :) oh, and do you live in the midwest by chance??
