Thursday, September 5, 2013

Keep Walking

On Tuesday mornings, I drive to my good friend Tabitha's house for our Stuck Bible study. Seeing as I've been driving to her house for quite some time now, and seem to find myself there multiple times a week these days, I've got it down pat. I could probably drive there with my eyes closed, and I know the parking sitch pretty well. 

Tuesday mornings at 6:30AM seem to be a pretty difficult time to find parking. Seeing as most people are still in bed, it would make sense that their cars are still lining the streets. I usually can't find parking as close as I typically do, but welcome the added exercise of a briskly paced walk (since I'm usually running late). 

This past Tuesday, I was pleasantly surprised to find a pretty good spot. I had a celebratory dance in my mind as I rocked the shiz out of that parallel parking job. I grabbed my purse, my breakfast, my Bible and my study, and heading towards Tab's apartment complex. 

As I walked, I passed one closer spot. "Wow! Another good one!" I thought to myself. I kept walking only to find another, even closer spot. It was right about then that I realized the message that God was showing me. And no, it had nothing to do with parking. 

I based my decision on sight and knowledge, not on faith. I saw the spot in front of me, and it seemed like a good one. I knew from prior weeks that it was much better than my usual Tuesday, 6:30AM parking spot. So I took it, deciding it was good enough for me. And even though I couldn't see ahead of me, I assumed this was my best option. 

How often do I do that in real life? How often do I base my daily decisions on what I see, and what I know? How often do I miss out on the better things that God has for me, because I'm subconsciously believing He is limited by what I see. 

We are called to walk by faith, right? 

For we live by believing and not by seeing. (2 Corinthians 5:7)

It was a simple, yet profound lesson. As someone who doesn't often hear explicitly from God, I was hearing Him loud and clear. Did it matter that I was walking a few extra feet? No. But does it matter when the decisions I'm making aren't where to park, but things that seriously affect my life? You bet. 

From now on, I'm going to try and consciously walk by faith instead of sight. Because the fact of the matter is, I couldn't even possibly dream up the future that God has for me. So why would I limit my decisions based on what I see now, when He sees everything. He sees all the possible options, and because He's a good and loving Father, He wants to give me the best one. 

And guess what? He wants to give you the best one, too. 


  1. Great post! Good for you for doing bible study at 630AM too, that is dedication my friend!

  2. Oh man. I love this. I REALLY need to listen, take this in, & DO what you have said! It's hard sometimes!

  3. thank you,i needed this! i had a rough night last night,just thinking that He has forgotten about me and my dreams...God is good ALL THE TIME :) He got me this far so the least i can do is continue to trust in Him and His ways.

  4. Amen Amen & Amen to this Darling!!

    I was just talking with Jesus about that this morning so I must say this post is perfect timing! Love ya!

  5. This is so great. Thank you for sharing an illustration that is so applicable to my life right now, too! BTW, I think your morning Bible Study sounds awesome. Love the idea.

  6. GER. I left a comment and it ran away. Basically love your morning Bible study. Did it once, felt great. Should probably make it an everyday thing.

    XO, Samm

  7. So applicable to my life right now. Thank you for sharing :) Your a wise gal!!

  8. Wow! Beautiful and so insightful! You amaze me, girl! :D Happy to have a friend like you.

  9. Oh my goodness! I love this! Hubs and I just experienced this a hundred fold. I had the harder time walking by faith. God told me to step down from my job, so in order to that I came up with all these other things I could do from home to make up for it. But little by little those doors kept slamming and God lead us to our new job now. But He never gave many details, just one step at a time. It was a total keep walking and trust in God moment. But those are the best (when you get through them of course) in helping you grow! Such a good reminder to do this even now! I loved this post.

  10. I love those simple and yet profound lessons we learn. Great thoughts, friend! I've missed your blog while I was gone!

  11. This was probably the best blog post I have ever read. Thanks, roomie. Great reminder!

  12. I love this! It's so true that most of us don't hear loud and clear from God all the time, but I love the things He uses when we do hear from Him. Things like a parking space. It's awesome! And it shows how much He loves and understands us. Thanks for sharing this!!
    Alesha <3

  13. Yes! There is so much truth in this post!

  14. what a great lesson amy. i think most of us do this, rely on what we can see, i know i'm one of them. what a great reminder of having more faith. great, great post!

  15. This is what we lived by while waiting on my son to be hired for a job after his internship. Thankfully, this is what God had planned and the job is now his. Love the word art.
