Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Uganda - What am I doing there?

Good question! Now that you know how this happened, let's get into the good stuff. How will I be serving in Kisoro, Uganda?

Kisoro is in South Western Uganda, as is the Bwindi Impenetrable National Park:

Source: www.africatravelresource.com
Source: www.touchuganda.org

The Bwindi National Park is home to half of the world's population of mountain gorillas.

Source: www.bluevistatravel.com

Up until the 1990's, this forest was also home to an unreached people group called the Batwa (the pygmies, or "short people"). 

Source: www.ugandatouristguide.com

In the 1990's, the Batwa people were evicted from their homes by the government to provide refuge for the mountain gorillas. They moved from the jungle to Kisoro, where they have been struggling to adapt ever since. 

I will be partnering with local Ugandan believers to share the gospel, and serve the Batwa people. Our goal is to establish new churches where this group can enjoy fellowship, worship and community. I firmly believe that while on this trip, we will all come into a deeper understanding of who our amazing God truly is, and who He intended us to be. "We" includes the Batwa people, the existing Ugandan believers, and those of us traveling from the United States to serve. 

Because the fact of the matter is, no matter where we stand in our walk with the Lord, we all have a lot  to learn. 

I have no doubts that this will be a life changing experience for me, and it is my hope, that the people I am privileged to serve and serve with will also experience the life changing Spirit of our Heavenly Father. 

So how can you get involved?

If you feel it on your heart to get involved with what the Lord is doing in Kisoro and with the Batwa people, there are many ways for you to be a part of this!

First and foremost, you can pray. You can pray that the Lord's will would be done in these lives, that His incredible, powerful, unfailing love would become more real to these people each and every day. Starting today. 

Should you feel led to get involved with what the Lord is doing in my heart for Uganda, there are multiple ways that you can do this, as well. 

You can share. You can spread the word about what's going on in Kisoro, and how the Lord has called me there. You can blog it, tweet it, instagram it, facebook it, whatever your social media method of choice is, feel free to put this on blast. 

Go ahead and steal the button, if you want. I know we're told not to steal, but I think this is alright in God's book :)

Amy in Uganda
<a href="http://www.e3partners.org/amyinuganda/" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w365/amyreed22/601e5070-58f0-45b1-a820-b843767ff462_zpscd70ce8b.jpg" alt="Amy in Uganda" width="200" height="200" /></a>

And finally, if you are feeling called to give, then I will be blessed to receive whatever amount is on your heart. Every dollar counts, every dollar matters, and a dollar given in obedience to the Lord will bless you just as much as giving $100 will. 

If you're reading that thinking "Shoot dang, I am called to give!" then you can do so on my fundraising page

I want to take a moment to truly thank you all for how incredible you have been on this journey so far. You have been some of my biggest supporters, and I know it's because you see the Lord working in my life. It's not because you want Amy to go to Uganda, it's because you want Jesus to go to Uganda, and bring Amy along for the ride. 

Thank you for the encouragement. Thank you for the support. And really, just thank you for the love. 

I love you guys. I really, really do. 


  1. OOOH I am soo happy to read this post. This helps me know how to pray more specifically for you sweet friend. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers!!
    :) Rebecca

  2. "impenetrable" forest-- sounds ominous!

    I have to say-- I'm kind of impressed that the government is making such efforts to preserve the local wildlife. You don't often see that in countries like this-- in fact, it's usually the opposite. At the same time, I find it sad that they had to relocate its indigenous people to do so-- it's a sad commentary on the abuse and willful neglect that we humans wreak on our precious natural resources... all over the world :-(

  3. What an amazing opportunity that will be and so rewarding! I'm sure it will be filled with emotions! You will do such a great job!! :)

  4. it will definitely be life changing! what an awesome blessing!

  5. WOW so so so SO EXCITED FOR YOU! ANd so proud of you!!!!!! LOVE THIS! Jealous!

  6. Wow, what amazing things you'll be doing. Africa is such an amazing continent and I daily wish I could go back. I'll have to live your trip vicariously through you.

    It's so increadibly sad to me that the government value animals over human beings. I am all for preserving the wildlife but not at the expense of the indiginous people. I pray that your group is able to help them beyond your wildest dreams!

  7. Shoot Dang I sure am happy you're going to Uganda girl! I've been there did you know that? Different city. But I've heard of the batwa people and think it's amazing that you'll be working with them. And I really want you to see a gorilla. I only saw monkeys in Uganda. Whomp Whomp. haha Love you girl!

  8. This is so awesome!! So great you get to experience all of that!
