Thursday, August 15, 2013

THAT Song, THAT Moment

It's here! It's here! The day that Leah and I have been super excited about for just over a week now. The THAT Song, THAT Moment link up! {If you want some more background, check it out here}

Worship is po-wer-ful. I can't even count the number of times it has brought me to my knees, tears streaming down my face, into a beautiful place of tangibly feeling God's love. That tangible feeling, that's what changes your heart, guys. 

The song I chose to share today has spoken to my heart so many times. When I first truly surrendered my life to Christ, still broken and bruised from an ended relationship, this song captivated me every time I heard it. 

No matter what I am facing, whether it's a broken heart, stress at work, fear of the future, confrontation, anything, Strong Enough by Matthew West speaks straight to my heart 
every. single. time. 

It reminds me that this thing called "life"? It wasn't meant to be done alone. 

Any trial that I face, no matter how big or small in relation to the world and others' problems, it matters to God. It all matters. 

And He will carry me through it all. 
every. single. time. 

What song speaks to you? Join in and share with us, will ya?



  1. Darn, forgot about this link up!!!! :( Love this song!

  2. i love this song! 'hands of mercy won't you cover me...' such great news we don't have to play strong huh? He's got this!

  3. This is such a good song. I haven't really taken the time to listen to every word Matthew West sings, but now that I have, I'm moved. Thanks for the link-up, friend! :)

  4. ooh I've never heard this song! But I love the line, "I'm strong enough for the both of us". Something God is showing me each day.

  5. Love this song!!!
    Such a great link up

  6. Love this song!! I love how honest it is in the begining "you must think I'm strong, to give me what I'm going through, but forgive me if I'm wrong, this looks like more than I can do.. on my own."
