Tuesday, August 6, 2013

It's Your Turn!

Tables are turning, ya'll. 

A few weeks ago, I opened the floor for any and all questions. I had so much fun answering what you guys came up with, and it seems like you all enjoyed getting to know me better! So I want to get to know you better. 

Even if we're basically already bffs and you feel like I know the answers to these questions, I would still love to hear from you! And newbies, show yo'selves!

Who knows, maybe you'll find a new friend in the comments section. :)

Ready, set, dish the deets!

1. What's your name? We'll start real easy.
2. Where are you from? Gettin' a little more personal, now.
3. How long have you been following? 2 years? 2 months? 2 days? 
4. How did you find me? Are we friends in real life? Did you find me from another blog? Instagram? Twitter? I wanna know!
5. How can I find you? Do you have a blog? Twitter? Instagram? Basically, I want to know how to stalk you. It's a part time hobby, no big deal.
6. What are your favorite posts to read on here? Faith? Fashion? Running? The real serious shiz? We've got a little bit of everything here, what's your fav?
7. Describe yourself in three words. Because this is just about my all time favorite interview question. And everyone loves interview questions, right?

Can't wait to read what you have to say. Love you guys! You make my life a gazillion times better. 


  1. 1. Pamela 2. NC! 3. Umm, a few months! 4. I can't remember how I stumbled upon your blog, ha! I know, that's awful!! 5. You know where to find me ;) 6. I can't pin point my favorite post of yours, because I love them all! From the running to faith to your in depth honesty to hanging out with your friends! I feel like I'm right there with you! 7. Giving, honest, & hard working (it's one word today, ha!) OR I could say - shy at first! ha!

  2. 1. Evelien
    2. Belgium :)
    3. I think more than a year, I'm not sure...
    4. I have no idea how I've found you. I really don't remember haha!
    5. My blog is www.belle-brunette.blogspot.be
    6. I prefer blogs about just you: what you like and what you do with your life. But I love that you're a christian too!
    7. I think I'm kind, giving and a Jesus-lover!


  3. 1. What's your name? Jordan :)
    2. Where are you from? Houston, TX!
    3. How long have you been following? A year I think?
    4. How did you find me? Are we friends in real life? Did you find me from another blog? Instagram? Twitter? I honestly can't remember how I found you! I can't remember how I found a lot of my first blog friends though.
    5. How can I find you? Do you have a blog? Twitter? Instagram? You already know ;)
    6. What are your favorite posts to read on here? I love your fashion posts and just posts about your personal life. Especially those that include pictures of beautiful SB!
    7. Describe yourself in three words. Quirky, dreamer, adventurous

  4. 1. Caitlin
    2. South Central, PA
    3. I'm gonna say 6 months. In reality, I have no idea
    4. Probably another blog. But, I blank on this one as well. Fail.
    5. We follow each other I think on all social media :)
    6. Love the running and real serious stuff :)
    7. Organized, adventurous, athletic

  5. 1. Annie!
    2. MI, at the crossroads of inner city, suburbia, and a transplant of southern society.
    3. I don't remember, honestly. But I want to say over a year. It was probably like a month or two before you began to get serious about your walk with Christ.
    4. I found you from another blog but this is another question I ultimately don't have a specific answer for.
    5. At this point all you need to find me is a plane ticket to Detroit and a taxi north to my house.
    6. Probably faith! But I get excited to read any of your posts.
    7. I hate questions like these! haha. But it's good practice for the interview processes I'll hopefully be going through soon. So here goes: passionate, committed, energetic.

  6. 1. What's your name? We'll start real easy.
    Hilda Leticia, but to other people, I'm Hilda to avoid confusion.

    2. Where are you from? Gettin' a little more personal, now.

    3. How long have you been following? 2 years? 2 months? 2 days?
    Sometime early this year like maybe... Feb 2013? I'm not good with dates and names, lol!

    4. How did you find me? Are we friends in real life? Did you find me from another blog? Instagram? Twitter? I wanna know!
    I found your blog from another blogger as I was passing by, only I don't remember whose blog it was....let me think... I wonder if it was from Anne's blog? I loved your blog so I decided to follow you on Twitter. You made me so happy and inspiring with your positive and personal struggles on your blog. You are so honest and I love that!

    5. How can I find you? Do you have a blog? Twitter? Instagram? Basically, I want to know how to stalk you. It's a part time hobby, no big deal.
    LOL! You can follow me but I'm nothing special. my blog is: http://hildald.blogspot.com/
    You already follow me on twitter, but our communication lately has been quiet. :( Sorry i'm too boring. Um, I don't have Instagram and I have lots of Facebook accounts but only for games and posts from Influenster. that's it. Oh and Pininterest but it's just for Influenster, and I still don't get how it works LOL! the Pininterest one.

    6. What are your favorite posts to read on here? Faith? Fashion? Running? The real serious shiz? We've got a little bit of everything here, what's your fav?

    7. Describe yourself in three words. Because this is just about my all time favorite interview question. And everyone loves interview questions, right?
    Hmm... Playful, compassionate, and loyal. And lazy. LOL!

  7. 1. Helly :-)
    2. Born in Germany, raised in LA, now settled in SB.
    3. Hmm... how long have we known each other? Oh wow-- a whole year. I had to go back to FB to see when we added each other, and it says Aug 2012!
    4. Through Tabitha
    5. I think you're already following my blog, FB, Twitter, and Instagram :-)
    6. Faith, but more specifically, the ones that delve into specifics about "serious shiz" (lol), because I always find personal experiences to have more impact than general sentiments.
    7. Man, I must have lucked out during interviews, because I've never gotten the "trick" questions, aside maybe from "where do you see yourself in 5 years". So I'd go with: Sarcastic, organized, animal-lover.

  8. 1. Tabitha
    2. Grew up in Indio, now loving SB!
    3. I think about a year and a half?
    4. Comm group @ Reality!
    5. You know ALL the ways to find me, haha.
    6. Faith is my #1 fave, but I love ALL of it!
    7. Passionate, Adventurous, Silly!

  9. 1. leah
    2. h-town. okay only teens say that i think. houston, tx.
    3. a few months i think. maybe six, seven? i'm not good with dates girl.
    4. from a comment you left on someone else's blog.
    5. twitter, IG, bloglovin'. you stalk me already there. :)
    6. my fave posts you write about is faith. they always encourage me!
    7. and i always have a hard time with questions like this, but i guess i'd say: sensitive, smart, passionate.

  10. {1} Jessi

    {2} I hail from Central Illinois but have spent time in Michigan, Indiana, and California.

    {3} I think I've been following since around January or February...?

    {4} We were connected through the Influence Network.

    {5} Blog: training-mom.blogspot.com
    twitter: jessi_spencer

    {6} I love hearing about your faith. You seem to really be growing and it is an encouragement and so fun to see!

    {7} Quiet, artsy, hungry. =]

    It was great to read more about you! This was such a fun series of posts!!

  11. 1. Melissa Jo
    2. Born & Raised Gulf Coast Fla, Alabama transplant 9 years and counting
    3. A year or so maybe? I have no idea, I feel like it's been forever.
    4. Again, I don't remember the details - all that matters, we found each other in blog world somehow and that my friend is what counts.
    5. Homesweetauburn on IG, TW, and Blogger plus you have my #!
    6. Can I be terrible and say all of them? I like things not to be the same, I like variety and you provide that to your readers/stalkers. :)
    7. Sinner, Forgiven, Redeemed.

  12. 1. Meg
    2. I'm originally from the San Francisco Bay Area
    3. Close to a month :)
    4. Found you through the blogosphere, and just had to keep coming back!
    5. I have a little blog right over here: http://onegreatadventureblog.blogspot.com/
    6. Honest? Everything. I'm really a huge fan of faith posts, though. God is good :)
    7. Passionate, Quiet, Loyal

    This was so much fun! And I just love hearing what everyone else has to say - such a neat idea :)

  13. 1. Katie
    2. Ohio
    3. Awhile
    4. I think it was overcomethelie stuff, right?!
    5. You will find me hugging you at Influence Conference soon ;)
    6. Faith & Running

  14. 1. Rachel, but I go by Rachel Hillary in the blogosphere because there seem to be many of us! :)
    2. I'm from a small town in MA, and now I live in a small city in MA. :)
    3. I have been quietly lurking for the whole summer (since May, maybe?). Surprise!
    4. I think I found you through Nadine? Maybe the Influence Network? Somewhere in that sphere!
    5. I blog at http://rachelinbloom.com, tweet @rachelinbloom, and to keep things consistent just added an IG for all things faith/blog stuff @rachelinbloom, but I follow you @rachelh913 as well.
    6. I love reading about your faith and other serious heart stuff. It has been bloggers/tweeters like you that have strengthened my faith and deepened my relationship with Jesus this summer, and I am so, so grateful for your honest take on what He hands you.
    7. Passionate, glad, and grateful.

  15. 1. Kerrie (Lynn) Williams
    2. Jacksonville, Florida -- then Alabama -- next Mexico!
    3. I think I've been following about a year, back when I did the "Tuesday Challenge"
    4. See above :) You were such an encouragement to me!
    5. You know how to find me :) Just text me if ya wanna :)
    6. I like both the deep ones and also to see what you've been up to with your friends.
    7. baah I hate this question! Normal but not. haha no idea.

  16. j/k. i am crazy and I was thinking (right now) that it was spring. Wowza Kerrie. We've known eachother about a year and a half i guess. :)

  17. 1. Jennifer Noel
    2. born in Columbia, SC, live about an hour and a half from there now.
    3. For over 7 months.
    4. Not sure honestly. :)
    5. You already stalk me. ;)
    6. I honestly love everything you post, from deep honest stuff to lighthearted, this is what I did today kinda stuff.
    7. sarcastic, friendly and CRAY-CRAY!! ;)


  18. Love this girl!! My daughter's sleeping so I actually have time to comment HAHA!

    1. What's your name? Heather Leigh. :)
    2. Where are you from? I'm from Maryland..
    3. How long have you been following? A few months now and I've loved it ever since!

    4. How did you find me? I WISH we were friends in real life!! I found you through a blog link up.. Forgot which one though. ;)

    5. How can I find you?





    6. What are your favorite posts to read on here? I enjoy it all, but faith is my favorite!! Lifestyle is pretty cool too!! ;)
    7. Describe yourself in three words. Because this is just about my all time favorite interview question. And everyone loves interview questions, right?
    Jesus Lover, Latte addict, Joyful

    Love ya girl!

  19. 1. Cassie aka AlwaysaBlogsmaid

    2. Where are you from? Jackson, MS

    3. More than 2 months, less than 2 years. :)

    4. I'm pretty sure I found you on another person's blog before I found on you on any social media. Now which blog it was, I cannot remember.

    5. You can find me in plenty of places:

    My blog is www.cassandralynn23.blogspot.com

    My instagram is: alwaysablogsmaid

    My twitter is @inthebasketcass

    But I'm pretty sure we are already following each other. :)

    6. Some of my favorite topics you post are your faith and your fitness, specifically running. Mostly because I am trying to train for a half marathon and can use all types of real advice.

    7. Sassy, witty and spark (passionate or the advocare drink).

  20. Hey girl hey! It's been a while since I've been in the blogsphere so maybe it's good that I'm reintroducing myself and all that jazz :)

    1. Chelsea
    2. Grew up in small town Texas but Austin, Texas has my heart- currently in Fort Worth Texas for school.
    3. Since January?? I'm not sure!
    4. Through Annie or Influence stuff I think
    5. all of the above! and I think you already follow me :)
    6. I love your serious/faith posts. It's such an encouragement to see a newer believer and how God has radically taken hold of your life, even in the hard times!
    7. cupcakes, thrifty, redeemed

  21. Cute! Basically, I'm Janna from Colorado, we've been following each other for a bit at this point, I can't remember who found whom, but glad we did ;) I like to see a little bit of everything from this blog, so just keep up the good work!

  22. 1.Heather
    2. The Volunteer State, TENNESSEE!!!
    3. Probably around 6 months to a year?!
    4. I think I started following you on Twitter and found your blog through it!
    5. I have all three! Blog - http://www.livinwithheather.blogspot.com / Twitter - @hdlee21 / Instagram - @hdlee
    6. From running, to faith, to the serious stuff...I love it all :).
    7. High-strung, girly, introvert!
