Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Weekend Rundown

Remember when I said I had two big ol' posts coming for you this week? Welp, this most definitely is not the second one. So hooray for you guys! A break from the serious stuff :)

But actually, in all seriousness (see what I did there? Just can't stray away from serious biznass), thank you all so much for your comments on yesterday's post. I'm not quite sure how I lucked out with the world's best blog friends, but somehow I did. 

And I am so darn thankful for every single one of you. You bless me more than you can imagine. 

But enough with the sap {for now}. And onto the weekend rundown:

This weekend's festivities took place in my lovely home town of sunny San Diego. A group of us drove down for a weekend conference with our company's young employee success & networking organization. 

It's a pretty darn amazing perk to our company, if I do say so myself!

This conference was packed with fun and networking. I know I don't talk business on this blog very much, but networking is huge in the working world. If you're still in college, and will be looking for a job in the coming years, start your networking now!

I know some people might equate networking with nepotism. And while I think these are two very different things, I can say that in both of my full time jobs, I've seen these alive and thriving in the workplace. 

Do yourself a favor and network. In my opinion, networking is just a fancy way of saying go out and make some friends. And that's exactly what we did this weekend!

Seeing as the conference was in my hometown, I also got to pack in some much needed family time to this weekend. 

Lucky for me, my mom, dad & sister are coming up to Santa Barbara this weekend! {We'll miss you, Mike!}

So you can expect to see a lot more pics of me and my mini me in a few days. 

Hope you had a fantastic weekend, and have an even more fantastic humpday!


  1. This looks like so much fun!! :) By the way - I love your fun colored coral pants!! SO cute!!
    :) Rebecca

  2. Love your 'band picture' ha!

  3. Sounds like fun - I love the band photo! Too cute!

  4. so much fun! and love your band photo! and yay for your family coming up, it's awesome to have family around.

  5. The Padres! Damn, it's been a long time since I have been to a game... (9 years long).
    Looks like you had a fun weekend!


  6. You're family is going to cisit you in SB? yay, that is exciting! I can't wait to hear all the adventures! :D

  7. Looks like you had so much fun!!!!
    That really sounds like an amazing weekend!
    ps LOVE your outfits!

  8. Looks like you had so much fun!!!!
    That really sounds like an amazing weekend!
    ps LOVE your outfits!

  9. what book are you reading? trying to find me some good books for a trip coming up. and noone will recommend anything :( found you thru another another blog and wanted to say hello. hit me back!

  10. Um, where'd you get your fedora? Cause I think I want one. I've always been scared of them... but it's time to conquer my fear.
